Thread Number: 46350
what is this???
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Post# 676718   5/1/2013 at 20:43 (4,104 days old) by gefreak ()        

Now I've been around a long time and my father repaired washers but I have never seen these before. Seen the fabric softener but not the detergent. When were these used? Kinda neat.

Post# 676730 , Reply# 1   5/1/2013 at 23:59 (4,103 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        

laundromat's profile picture

you would put detrgent in the filterflo pan and in this dispenser (liquid) and set for pre wash, wash,and extra rinse. the prewash would dispense in the pan as the filterflo would recirculate and dispense then,the drain/spin would take the liquid detergent into the dispenser's outer chamber then,as it stopped to fill for the main wash,the detrgent in the tray would drip into the pan.The only problem with that was,unless you were on the right page and new the plan which was to then remove that dispenser,rinse it out thoroughly then fill the similar fabric softener dispenser and switch them out OR just refill the detergent dispenser with fabric softener and save the trouble of switching them out. That is probably why they got the idea to make the dispenser lid they had out for a while?


Post# 676770 , Reply# 2   5/2/2013 at 07:09 (4,103 days old) by akronman (Akron/Cleveland Ohio)        
fabric softener

akronman's profile picture

this is simply a re-labeled fabric softener dispenser, same exact product. Whether the label says "Detergent--use with pre-wash cycle" or "Fabric Softener," it simply dispensed for the second fill, no matter what cycle you were using. I doubt many sold. And then you have no way to add the softener before the cycle starts.


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