Thread Number: 46355
washer and dryer
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Post# 676750   5/2/2013 at 05:00 (4,103 days old) by needingcolor ()        

Hi iam new to this site i was wondering if anyone has ever come across an American washer and dryer set in harvest gold or another color besides white here in the U.K thats for sale? Iam originally from Canada and since being here for almost 10 years i have never seen one and have always wanted to own a set. I currently own a full set of kitchen appliances in coppertone brown there is a fridge freezer, cooker, washing machine and tumble dryer which recently stopped working and cannot be repaired there are all made by Electrolux I believe. if anyone has an suggestions or info in how i could obtain a new set in harvest gold etc i would love to hear from you thanks.

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