Thread Number: 46490
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Post# 678266   5/9/2013 at 01:59 (4,229 days old) by washer111 ()        

Needs Upper and Lower racks for a KitchenAid KDS-20?


Look no further than Sydney Region, New South Wales (Australia)! Never knew those were even sold here - though I imagine it would be like the Potscrubber 2800 they sold here that another member owned at one point - limited to Appliance Warehouses that are out of the way, and not advertised. 


I'd like to find a machine somewhere a little closer to the West - it would cost an arm and a leg to ship a 2800 (around AU$350, or major organ donation (I'm thinking Heart, Brain and Spinal Cord) for a KA machine... Something that I can't really afford at this point, sadly.


This post was last edited 05/09/2013 at 07:32

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