Thread Number: 46529
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Post# 678721   5/11/2013 at 11:50 (4,224 days old) by NewVista58 (Northern NJ)        

newvista58's profile picture
Hi Everyone,

Sorry for the Redundancy. I'm still learning to
navigate the site. I thought I originally
posted this in here, but it actually showed
up in the Imperial Forum. Sorry for the

I finally have joined the site, as a member.
I have looked on, for years, only as a public

I now finally have an appliance collection
again, after losing my first one(see my profile),
and am Really excited to be here.

I am looking for a Matching Washer and Dryer,
1963 and Earlier, in Turquoise or Yellow(NO harvest gold please).
I am in the process of buying my first home,
so I do have some time. Although I would like
to find a matched pair together, I will consider
buying one and then looking to match it down the

I did have a Philco-Matic Turquoise and White
Heated Wringer/Washer, with full side panels to
the floor. I would possibly consider a machine
like this again.

I would appreciate any information on machines
for sale. I am in North Jersey and will travel
within reason, up to 4-6 hours if needed, or
possibly arrange shipping, from farther away,
if I find the right item(s).

Thanks Everyone :)

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