Thread Number: 46597
VisiMatic wringer for sale
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Post# 679349   5/14/2013 at 16:39 (4,091 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
not a body or model I am used to seeing......and whats on top of the agitator, filter pan.....interesting model

CLICK HERE TO GO TO Yogitunes's LINK on Reading Craigslist

Post# 679351 , Reply# 1   5/14/2013 at 16:43 (4,091 days old) by bellalaundry (St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada)        
I like

bellalaundry's profile picture
the bulbous shape. I wonder if they have the lid for it.

Post# 679393 , Reply# 2   5/14/2013 at 19:52 (4,091 days old) by glomain (tuscarawas cnty. (eastern ohio))        
yogi 1-18

glomain's profile picture
Martin,would ya be interested in sellin that 1-18 ? thanks,greg

Post# 679423 , Reply# 3   5/15/2013 at 00:11 (4,090 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        

laundromat's profile picture
I believe that piece you see on the agitator is the load level limit for dry clothes.

Post# 679609 , Reply# 4   5/15/2013 at 23:33 (4,089 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
What a beauty!

mickeyd's profile picture
This is the TOL version of the machine that Kelly Mixfinder just rescued, pictured in his profile shot.

How cool to see this very early Visi.

T'anks, Martin.

Have never seen a cap like that. So interesting. Almost looks like a fabric softener dispenser--not possible--or the forerunner of the screw augur for heavy blankets and spreads. Maybe Laundromat is right.

We need more eyes.

Post# 679638 , Reply# 5   5/16/2013 at 07:17 (4,089 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
suprised that there was not a scrubber cap on the wringers......

never did understand that on the automatics....did anyone ever use these for collars and cuffs?.....always seemed to unscrew while trying to use it...

Post# 679654 , Reply# 6   5/16/2013 at 11:11 (4,089 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
Scrubber caps on Wringers: Sure there are, Martin

mickeyd's profile picture
I use it for mosquito bites LOL.

I wish we could find out if there are any openings in the cap to detrermine if it is an up-squirt filter taking the water from the top of the vanes.

Post# 679655 , Reply# 7   5/16/2013 at 11:15 (4,089 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
Better view of the scrubbing nubs

mickeyd's profile picture

Post# 680526 , Reply# 8   5/22/2013 at 13:43 (4,083 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
I know this is a repost of the same AD.....but I think this guy should get an award for his post on CL, plenty of pics, actually hooked it up to electric and water, added clothes to show that it is in good condition, and WORKS!....

a standard they should all follow before thinking of posting, or asking some of the high prices that they do!

What do you think?

CLICK HERE TO GO TO Yogitunes's LINK on Philadelphia Craigslist

Post# 680533 , Reply# 9   5/22/2013 at 14:18 (4,083 days old) by mixfinder ()        
Lawn Boy

Did you see the Lawn Boy in the back ground?

Post# 680614 , Reply# 10   5/23/2013 at 00:24 (4,082 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

It would be interesting to ask what the seller would want for the LB mower and the washer.Also would have been neat to have a breif video of the washer agitating and wringing.

Post# 680829 , Reply# 11   5/24/2013 at 15:25 (4,081 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
Martin, that third shot in the link of the wringer. YIKES

mickeyd's profile picture
Looks like a boulder or an ice float. Glacier. What a shot. A mammoth wringer!

That seller really fits in here for the reasons you mention and the one you didn't: OVERLOADING, LOL.

The pump flow alternates between fast and slow--slow in the pic-- because this model has the rare open drain port rather than usual one under the agitator. They items get sucked over the port then knocked away by the stroke... just like the Norge.

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