Thread Number: 46630
NuTone Oven/Stove combo unit--interesting
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Post# 679784   5/17/2013 at 10:59 (4,088 days old) by mitch (Atlanta)        

In Dalton, GA
Price is right :)

CLICK HERE TO GO TO mitch's LINK on Nwga Craigslist

Post# 679793 , Reply# 1   5/17/2013 at 11:45 (4,088 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        
Glad to see that it was not junked

This has been on the market for some time and was posted here once before in the dim past. The fact that they use the term "eyes" for the surface units means that someone has a memory of cooking on a wood or coal stove or grew up around someone who did.

Post# 679801 , Reply# 2   5/17/2013 at 12:59 (4,088 days old) by cuffs054 (MONTICELLO, GA)        

I spy only four eyes!

Post# 679803 , Reply# 3   5/17/2013 at 13:46 (4,088 days old) by retropia ()        

If I understand the ad correctly, there are two sets of these things, with the position of the oven and cooktop reversed on the second unit from the first.

Post# 679827 , Reply# 4   5/17/2013 at 16:30 (4,088 days old) by cuffs054 (MONTICELLO, GA)        

So you get two ovens and two "hobbs"?

Post# 679848 , Reply# 5   5/17/2013 at 19:25 (4,088 days old) by mitch (Atlanta)        
May be a Southernism

Lord knows we have a few! "Eyes" for burners, "ice box" for fridge, etc :). My favorite memory was of my grandmother (God rest her soul) who lived out in the country (rural south GA) who we had all chipped in and had her a big (20,000 BTU/220 volt) GE window unit A/C put in her house. I stopped by to see her in July one year and it was 96 degrees and high humidity (HOT!) and she was sitting in the living room with the a/c not running. I said "Granny, do you want me to turn on the a/c?" she replied back "No son, I do not want any of that artificial air blowing on me". Yo have to pronounce it "arteeficial" to get the linguistics down :). Oh, how I have laughed over the years and loved that sweet woman even more!

I wonder who made this unit for NuTone, btw.

Post# 679878 , Reply# 6   5/18/2013 at 03:49 (4,087 days old) by alr2903 (TN)        

I wonder if there was an option to get 4 gas burners on one side? Best of all worlds and you could still cook if the power went out. This is one I have never seen even a photograph of until now. Thanks for posting. alr

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