Thread Number: 46734
Frigidaire Coldspot
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Post# 680992   5/25/2013 at 17:46 (4,080 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

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Post# 681013 , Reply# 1   5/25/2013 at 20:16 (4,080 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        
One Off . . .

rp2813's profile picture

To the recycler, from the looks of things. 


Clearly, communication has been lost between the "Thermo" and "Matic" circuitry.

Post# 681068 , Reply# 2   5/26/2013 at 05:31 (4,080 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture

Yeah, that one is pretty sad. They say it needs a door handle, like you could go to Sears and buy one!

Post# 681106 , Reply# 3   5/26/2013 at 11:01 (4,079 days old) by twintubdexter (Palm Springs)        

twintubdexter's profile picture
Just needs a little of that Jubilee wax that everyone on here is so excited about. Hated that greasy stuff. Think I remember when it came in a can. Smelled flammable like rocket fuel too.

Post# 681113 , Reply# 4   5/26/2013 at 12:03 (4,079 days old) by whirlykenmore78 (Prior Lake MN (GMT-0500 CDT.))        
If you want to pay for mold and rust

whirlykenmore78's profile picture
This is your machine. I'll pass

Post# 681188 , Reply# 5   5/27/2013 at 03:32 (4,079 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

Was this box used to store toxic waste?and they keep their beer in it?Looks like this fridge should go to the toxic waste dumpsite!

Post# 681339 , Reply# 6   5/28/2013 at 08:56 (4,077 days old) by bluejay (Havre de Grace, MD)        

bluejay's profile picture
Looks a bit like Harvest Gold. ;)

Post# 681365 , Reply# 7   5/28/2013 at 11:47 (4,077 days old) by twintubdexter (Palm Springs)        

twintubdexter's profile picture
If the seller were really smart he should have tied a rope around it and passed it off as a Titanic relic. Tuck these fake "Heart of the Ocean" earrings ($22 on Amazon) in the freezer for added for authenticity. I've heard people sometimes hide their tiaras and such in the freezer for security.

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