Thread Number: 46760
Free (or cost of shipping): Frigidaire GMini dryer in Oregon, 110v, circa 1973, needs repair
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Post# 681242   5/27/2013 at 16:17 (4,185 days old) by neverdone ()        

Hello, good people.

I have for sale in Oregon, one avocado Frigidaire GMini dryer, Model D3-24, Serial 31DC 990, that needs a drive belt (which I'm told is an available part) and a rear drum seal (which I'm told can be created from a length of seal material). And you'll need this lint scree:, because the rim of the one I've been using is cracked. The drum quit turning, apparently because the edges of the belt cracked in one area and the drum seal that was next to the heat coils burned. I've taken the dryer apart, and the drum will turn, the belt moves, and the seal looks like an easy repair. The starter button sends electricity to the motor, and as far as I know, the motor works fine.

My repair shop would charge me as much for fixing it as for a newer dryer, but someone who can do the repair would end up with a nice vintage dryer. It's been a good running dryer for me for over a decade, and the former owner said the same, although there was evidence of this same malfunction having happened prior to my purchasing it. It seems to be a belt malfunction, not a lint issue.

The body is not in the best of condition visually, with paint scratches in many places, but it has only one dent (at a back corner, about 2' long and between 1/16" and 1/8" deep). It has all the trim, although not in perfect condition. The door is a slightly darker/redder shade of avocado than the rest of the dryer. White on top. Photos available.

I'm in the mid-Willamette Valley of Oregon. I've more than gotten my purchase price from this dryer, and have no need for a profit on it, so come and get it! (Or, if I can figure out how to pack it for transport, I'll just have you pay for the shipping, although that may be more of a hassle than I want to put into this.) Please reply to me via edress in my profile.

Post# 681432 , Reply# 1   5/28/2013 at 20:43 (4,184 days old) by neverdone ()        
I've had a request for more photos

I hope this helps. Some marks, such as just below door, are old adhesive from masking tape.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Post# 681454 , Reply# 2   5/28/2013 at 23:52 (4,184 days old) by neverdone ()        

Note that vent tube/pipe(whatever it's called) on the photo of the back of the dryer isn't flush to the back because I hadn't secured all the screws again, so it's hanging at a bit of an angle. When the screws are in, it fits into place just right.

The discoloration in the sixth photo is not a dent, but only a reflection. There is, though, a break in the side of the trim, a couple of inches from the front of the dryer, which is the reason for that photo.

The seventh photo shows the extent of the one dent, as noted in my first post. Looks like someone tried using a small ball-peen hammer from the inside, to push it back out, to no avail - there are about a half-dozen very small out-dents from that. Certainly not apparent when looking from the front.

Post# 681459 , Reply# 3   5/29/2013 at 00:19 (4,184 days old) by PhilR (Quebec Canada)        

philr's profile picture

Thanks for sending all these detailed pics!

I hope someone will get it... I don't think there are too many of these remaining! 

Post# 681634 , Reply# 4   5/30/2013 at 00:17 (4,183 days old) by neverdone ()        

Certainly, Phil. Just hadn't had time to re-size them to fit into the posting requirements.

Someone emailed me about the dryer, but I haven't heard back since I posted the pix. We'll see.

It's a sweet little dryer, and doesn't require much work. Just needs someone with more repair patience than I have. :-)

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