Thread Number: 46780
Selling 1946 Kelvinator "Automatic Cook" Electric Range
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Post# 681410   5/28/2013 at 16:57 (4,276 days old) by ned4spd8874 ()        

I am moving in a month and can't take it with me. I don't want to leave it behind and risk getting scrapped. It is in perfect working order. It needs a little cleaning, but not too bad. Most everything works that I can tell. The lights above 4 of the dials still work. The one over the oven doesn't appear to work anymore however. My wife tried give it a good cleaning not too long ago and broke some of the edge of off one of the knobs when she tried to remove it. I still have the pieces though!

It's the exact one from this ad:

I don't know what it's worth to be honest. Make me a fair offer and we'll talk! Oh, one caveat...since it's my only stove right now until we move; I'd like to keep it here until we leave. We don't have an exact date when we are moving right now, but it's looking like sometime in the last week of June. So, if you don't mind waiting until closer to then to get it, it's all yours! Oh yeah, you'll have to pick it up too. I can help load it, but I can't deliver it and I obviously can't ship it.

Also, since I can only upload one pic, I uploaded 15 large, high resolution images up to my site. See them here:

Post# 682949 , Reply# 1   6/7/2013 at 15:55 (4,266 days old) by ned4spd8874 ()        

Shameless bump. Anyone at least have an idea on how much this is worth?

Post# 683023 , Reply# 2   6/8/2013 at 02:09 (4,266 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

It's an unusual stove, that's for sure, and it appears to be 100% original right down to the bake and broil heating elements.  I really like the knobs on it.


Value is likely all over the map.  Parts could be difficult to find if that becomes necessary, and it needs quite a bit of elbow grease.  It's going to depend on how badly anyone might want it, and whether they're willing to tack on shipping charges if they're not close enough to pick it up themselves.


It would be a shame if this stove went to the scrap heap.  If there's no interest here, perhaps you can explore donating it to a charity like Salvation Army or other organization that can send a truck out to take it away and keep it out of the scrappers' hands long enough to give it a chance to find a new home.   Get a receipt and enter a handsome figure that you can write off on your taxes.  There are plenty of pie in the sky craigslist and ebay listings for similar items that will back up your number on the remote chance you're audited.

Post# 683040 , Reply# 3   6/8/2013 at 09:01 (4,265 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Donating to the Salvation Army

combo52's profile picture

In the Washington area almost all of the appliances that get donated to the SA get sold directly to scrap dealers, unless they are very new looking and Stainless Steel.


If one wants to donate something like this there are often places that try to sell older appliances, try to find out what they actually do with old stoves etc.

Post# 683054 , Reply# 4   6/8/2013 at 13:04 (4,265 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

John, I know that not everything donated to the Salvation Army makes it onto one of their sales floors, but in recent months I've seen some old appliances at the one by me that weren't in anywhere near as good of shape as this Kelvy range.  A few that come to mind were a 50's Hotpoint range, a TOL early 60's O'Keefe and Merrit in coppertone a mid-50's Norge dryer. 

Post# 874987 , Reply# 5   3/30/2016 at 14:06 (3,239 days old) by ned4spd8874 ()        

Well, I moved to the Chicago area and ended up taking this stove with me. I just couldn't leave it behind and risk getting scrapped. I have been listing it off and on with Craigslist, but no interest yet. So I thought I'd update the post here in the hopes of it catching somebody's eye. I'm hoping to get $700, but will consider any serious offers.

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