Thread Number: 46858
Nordton Toploader dishwasher ----ITALY----
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Post# 682280   6/3/2013 at 14:21 (4,071 days old) by Kenmoreguy89 (Valenza Piemonte, Italy- Soon to be US immigrant.)        

kenmoreguy89's profile picture
Pricey..... but maybe is what someone is looking for:
Still have booklet and everything....probably late 60s..
I better still researching a dishwasher for me, maybe a VTG zoppas Stovella or space for a TL in my kitchen, and not as dynamic and flexible on loads sizes (tall pans and tools) like a front loader with plain upper rack that I prefer for my needs.

Post# 682308 , Reply# 1   6/3/2013 at 18:03 (4,071 days old) by bellalaundry (St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada)        
Oh my...

bellalaundry's profile picture
I love it! Stick it in an envelope and send it to me here in Canada!


Post# 682343 , Reply# 2   6/4/2013 at 00:53 (4,070 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
Is that a plexiglas sub-top? Can you watch it washing?

That would be exactly what a few of us need here!

Post# 682393 , Reply# 3   6/4/2013 at 12:11 (4,070 days old) by Kenmoreguy89 (Valenza Piemonte, Italy- Soon to be US immigrant.)        

kenmoreguy89's profile picture
Yes, I think you can see while it's washing....the workplan does not look do have a switch, anyway easily bypassable thing I think...but if you could not watch it while washing from the pexiglass I don't see the use of it then...
Not sure from who Nordton are made, our cousins living in Abano (Padova, Veneto) did have a Nordton front loader washer until 2 years ago for 20 years..
To me looked very Zanussi from motor (noise) to drum and boot with a touch of AEG style of panel and external things....
Not sure where were made, likely Italy, despite the name sounds German and the one of my cousing had programs written in German on the detergent drawer it looked internally like a Rex...
I remember my cousin saying it was a crappy machine, she said she usually had to send most of her stained items to "dry cleaners" or better say professional cleaners/laundries, or deeply pretreat and hand wash them prior machine wash in case of lighter ones, odd and nonsense thing for sure for us, not so for many italians though...
My Aunt Erminia always did that as a norm like many others I know over here...
I remember it because when we visited, there were always stained table cloths, napkins etc from the huge dinners and New year's Eve at their house with the rest of relatives down in Veneto, and the days after during our staying she used to carry the tablecloths and stuff like that to lanudries, my mom and I found it absolutely odd and silly so we asked her, why she had a washer then if she does not use it? She told us she had to do it as her washer would not have handled such red wine and seasoning grease stains... she said it barely washed well light stains and body dirt prior a deep pretreating and hand soaking,let alone tablecloths, napkins and kitchen aprons and rugs.
She was not so concerned about spending money at dry cleaner as they got lot of money.....and that meant less work for her anyway during our staying, this even if she was a good and self working old fashioned housewive, she said a good wife must take care of family needs and home alone, so no ready dinners, tailors or stuff like that, no other help needed despite her for family needs...a thing to which I partially agree...

She got a Speed Queen set with matching dryer now under our suggestion....and she is so happy with it. She does not bring stuff to dry cleaners anymore...

This post was last edited 06/04/2013 at 18:03
Post# 682425 , Reply# 4   6/4/2013 at 17:51 (4,070 days old) by Kenmoreguy89 (Valenza Piemonte, Italy- Soon to be US immigrant.)        

kenmoreguy89's profile picture
Guy.... LOL sorry for being late on reply, missed ur comment, if it was cheap I would do that of course :).... naturally I posted it here because I'm available to act as a base or intermediary whenever an european guy would want it and seller isn't available to ship abroad, I can have it shipped here (Domestic shippings are so cheap) and then prepare abroad shipping from my home...
Can't offer pick up in person though, sorry :(
If you have funds (muuuuuuuch funds) though I could even ship it to Canada or anywhere in the world....there might be a little problem of Hertz supply there though...voltage not a prob as long as you have 240 volt hook up, not sure if higher hertz may be a problem though, I can personally tell most US and canadian 60hz appliances works just as well with EU 50hz, but euro appliances working plugged to a 60hz supply is a thing I never experienced myself ( excluded a hair dryer and a professional hot dog maker that both worked fine) and cannot assure works properly and does not burn motor and electrics....
I know Eddy have some 240 volt 50hz appliances, I resemble he told me about an euro spinner...but dishwasher motor is different and maybe more delicate to higher Hertz... cannot gotta try...or ask someone learned..

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