Thread Number: 46861
1960 Frigidaire Bottom Freezer PGH CL!
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Post# 682305   6/3/2013 at 17:20 (4,200 days old) by moparwash (Pittsburgh,PA )        

moparwash's profile picture
OMG..this is like 2 miles away....would I love to get this for the Wash-In!...

CLICK HERE TO GO TO moparwash's LINK on Pittsburgh Craigslist

Post# 682314 , Reply# 1   6/3/2013 at 19:19 (4,200 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture

Nice fridge, but a bit pricy.

Post# 682316 , Reply# 2   6/3/2013 at 20:09 (4,200 days old) by mixfinder ()        

I used to have the same fridge.

Post# 682342 , Reply# 3   6/4/2013 at 00:48 (4,200 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
Maybe they'll sell you the Waste King dishwasher too!

Post# 682421 , Reply# 4   6/4/2013 at 17:35 (4,199 days old) by washer111 ()        
If you have Room:

Get it!


Looks too good to miss out on

Post# 682450 , Reply# 5   6/4/2013 at 20:16 (4,199 days old) by redcarpetdrew (Fairfield, CA)        

redcarpetdrew's profile picture
Are those egg trays next to the crispers? I haven't seen that option yet.


Post# 682477 , Reply# 6   6/4/2013 at 23:13 (4,199 days old) by mixfinder ()        
Egg Trays

There are two egg trays on the bottom next to the drawers and there is a large fold down Humidoor for produce on the door. I miss this fridge, it was amazing.

Post# 682483 , Reply# 7   6/4/2013 at 23:32 (4,199 days old) by PhilR (Quebec Canada)        

philr's profile picture

It's a FPI-16B-63 or PFPI-16B-63 (if it has the porcelain exterior finish)


And it's from 1963, not 1960. If it works well, maybe you could make an offer on it. I agree that $500 asking price is a bit much to start with but sometimes, the owners will accept much less they really want to get rid of it and nobody else takes it! 


I have almost same model. (FPI-16BC-63 CH). I really like it! 


And Jerry, if you get it and don't like it much, maybe I could buy it from you later! Smile






1963 FRIGIDAIRE bottom freezer







Post# 682488 , Reply# 8   6/4/2013 at 23:50 (4,199 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

Phil, that is a beautiful fridge!  I never get tired of seeing pix of it!


Jerry, I say drag your feet.  At $500 that fridge won't be going anywhere soon.  You can likely get it cheaper once the seller realizes it's not worth what they're asking, either due to lack of inquiries or receiving low-ball offers.

Post# 682741 , Reply# 9   6/6/2013 at 11:11 (4,198 days old) by moparwash (Pittsburgh,PA )        

moparwash's profile picture
That is too perfect next to the Flair!....If the one for sale was Stainless...i'd sneak it in the kitchen and hope the hubby doesn't notice:)

This post was last edited 06/06/2013 at 11:26

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