Thread Number: 46890
Really? I mean, REALLY? $14,999.99???
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Post# 682703   6/6/2013 at 06:40 (4,068 days old) by ultramatic (New York City)        

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Post# 682713 , Reply# 1   6/6/2013 at 08:03 (4,068 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture

Looks about right to me, that is one gorges RCA Console, let the market place decide.

Post# 682717 , Reply# 2   6/6/2013 at 08:26 (4,068 days old) by turquoisedude (.)        

turquoisedude's profile picture
Frankly, I'd rather buy a vintage car for that price... LOL

Post# 682726 , Reply# 3   6/6/2013 at 09:14 (4,068 days old) by PhilR (Quebec Canada)        

philr's profile picture

It's a really nice console but I don't like the idea of replacing it's original components with modern ones. 

Post# 682731 , Reply# 4   6/6/2013 at 09:38 (4,068 days old) by kb0nes (Burnsville, MN)        

kb0nes's profile picture
Hmm a 1 kilowatt sub in the same piece of furniture as the turntable, nope I see no problem with that... Course the people that would buy something like this won't ever listen to LP's anyhow. Like a big commercial range this would only be bought as a status symbol by someone with FAR too much money that just doesn't know better.

The collectible value of the piece is ruined by the modification. As for the value of the components used who knows they aren't detailed.

I'd love to be given a $15,000 shopping list and assemble a 2-channel HiFi to compare to this. That might be enough allowance to get a pair of lovely B&W 801 speakers for $10,000 and still have enough for electronics!

Post# 682765 , Reply# 5   6/6/2013 at 14:06 (4,068 days old) by whirlykenmore78 (Prior Lake MN (GMT-0500 CDT.))        
For that kind of money

whirlykenmore78's profile picture

I'd rather buy a full size Combi oven.  The ones we have @ work are amazing and cost about that much each.


Post# 682794 , Reply# 6   6/6/2013 at 18:33 (4,068 days old) by whirlykenmore78 (Prior Lake MN (GMT-0500 CDT.))        
Or else

whirlykenmore78's profile picture

I could buy a New Hobart LXe dishwasher with Advansys energy recovery and still have enough for a SQ Softmount washer extractor and drying tumbler.


Post# 682817 , Reply# 7   6/6/2013 at 20:30 (4,067 days old) by kb0nes (Burnsville, MN)        
JBL Paragon

kb0nes's profile picture
Actually, if I wanted splash out a ton of cash on something vintage, how about a JBL Paragon?? In good shape these stereo speaker consoles actually DO sell for $20,000-40,000!!

This is possibly the most Iconic high end HiFi speakers ever made. In one form or another they were made from 1957 to 1980 although never in high volume.

There was never a console HiFi that could compete with one of these! And they have a pretty awesome Mid-Century Modern look too. I'll have one of the Teak ones please :)


Post# 682833 , Reply# 8   6/7/2013 at 00:04 (4,067 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

NOT An RCA Hi-Fi-just the cabinet-with unknown electronics-for my 15 grand would like more details.Drather chose my own,thank you.You don't really need to spend that much to get an adequate Hi-fi system.This is for those "high end audiophool" folks.Will pass.
JBL Paragons--the Holy Grail for Hi-fi collectors!-never heard one my self but knew a freind that worked in a Hi-fi shop that sold them-best speaker system they sold he said.If I were to have say 3 Hi-fi speaker systems-the Paragon would be one of them,Klipsch "K" horns another,and last of course the Altec Lansing "Voice of the Theater"Another thing for these-you don't need high power amps to drive them.All of these were designed in the "tube" days when high power amps as we know it weren't available.-so the efficiency had to be designed in the speaker systems.Legend has it that the Voice of the Theater systems could fill an auditorium with audible sound just from the headphone jack on a transistor radio!I am sure there would be no bass reponse with such low power-but the tweeter horn would work.That would be an interesting experiment to try.The Theater forum "Film Tech" mentioned that.

Post# 682897 , Reply# 9   6/7/2013 at 08:15 (4,067 days old) by firedome (Binghamton NY & Lake Champlain VT)        
Altec VOTs are superb, and efficient

firedome's profile picture
we have them in their home version, the Valencia 846a, essentially the same components in a spouse friendly cabinet, the 800hZ sectoral horn is inside rather than on top. My son is now using them with Scott tube monoblocks and tube preamp... awesome sound!

That RCA console furniture is gorgeous, they made several modern ones, that one was the best, but no serious audiophile would EVER put speakers in the same cabinet with an analog turntable, or the electronics, for that matter... no matter how much they say it's isolated, it's impossible to do in the same box.

Post# 683015 , Reply# 10   6/8/2013 at 00:06 (4,066 days old) by whirlcool (Just North Of Houston, Texas)        

The old Allied Radio main store on Western Av in Chicago used to sell empty consoles for you to fill with your favorite electronics. They had a large roomful of them. You could purchase them unfinished or fully finished with a finish that would rival that of mainstream manufacturers. That store had just about anything from a ton of different manufacturers.

I always loved JBL speakers. Before I refurbished my AR 3's, I had a set of JBL 4311's. I still have them but I love the AR's.

Post# 683022 , Reply# 11   6/8/2013 at 01:24 (4,066 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

Oh yes,the Altec Valencia 846-heard a pair of these at the old Circuit City store in Temple Hills so many years ago-wanted them,but my budget couldn't-and probably too large for the apt I lived in at the time.That Circuit City store is long gone-was one of their orig ones.Near Wash DC area.

Post# 683104 , Reply# 12   6/8/2013 at 18:20 (4,066 days old) by ovrphil (N.Atlanta / Georgia )        

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kb0ens - truly unique - never knew about this, but like JBL's.
interesting thread, and thanks all...


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