Thread Number: 469
Spin Speed question
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Post# 48776   11/7/2004 at 16:45 (7,250 days old) by Maytagbear (N.E. Ohio)        

I've been wondering about spin speeds for a while now, especially since I am paying more attention to vintage Frigidaire's, and modern FL's.

My 1997 Maytag TL's top spin speed is approximately 700-740 rpm (have mislaid the book). Compared to real Frigidaire's, and modern FL's, the clothing is almost dripping when I put it in the dryer.

However, when do you get to the point of diminishing returns with spin speed? Aren't speeds above 1000 (1140-1200) rpm's more a marketing point? I really do want to know.

I am not trying to stir up controversy, just seeking enlightenment.


Post# 48777 , Reply# 1   11/7/2004 at 17:47 (7,250 days old) by arrrooohhh (Sydney Australia)        

Apparently 1200 is the peak point. 800 removes so much water, 1000 rpm much more and 1200 even more still, after that the difference is not so noticible.

And the faster speeds put a lot of stress on motors. IMHO I would stick to a 1200/1300 FL and be happy knowing that my machine will last a little bit longer.

Post# 48778 , Reply# 2   11/7/2004 at 17:55 (7,250 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        

I thought the "Dependable" series Maytags had a spin speed of around 620 rpm-----? Anyway, I am sure the higher spin speed of the Frigidaire "Unimatics" was much appreciated by those working class families who did not own dryers---which would have been most of them back in the day. Without doubt the higher speed spin shortens drying time. Considering the escalating cost of utilities it certainly is a selling point. I used to argue with the "reps" who were pushing F/L's in the mid-90's, that I pay a lot less for water than gas and a faster spin (in their T/L's) whould save me more money than an (expensive) F/L with little water consumption!

Post# 48780 , Reply# 3   11/7/2004 at 18:02 (7,250 days old) by cehalstead (Charleston, WV)        
spin speed

My '97 Maytag Dependable Care has a spin speed of 620rpm...verified with Maytage dealer. Like Maytagbear's, my towels are sopping wet. Seems like my old Maytag did better, and nothing beat my Mom's Frigidaire...a load of towels would dry in 25 minutes. I know the load was smaller, but a load of towels takes 90+ minutes in my Maytag dryer...

Post# 48797 , Reply# 4   11/7/2004 at 22:47 (7,250 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

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Higher spin speeds did cut down on drying time, however, if you weren't using a dryer and hanging your clothes to dry, the higher spin speeds made for more wrinkles and cursing over the Tuesday ironing chores...

Post# 48804 , Reply# 5   11/7/2004 at 23:23 (7,250 days old) by Maytagbear (N.E. Ohio)        

Thanks for the enlightenment!

Gansky--who irons?? I don't think I could find my iron! Last time I ironed, I was ironing a bandanna. I use my ironing board as extra space to collate copies.

Mercy--my dryer is literally around the corner from my bathroom, and more than once have I dressed directly from the dryer! (warm underwear on a cold day is darn nice!)

My washer is performing correctly, it's just that in comparison to a higher spin.... Maybe I misread the rpms.


Post# 48805 , Reply# 6   11/8/2004 at 02:38 (7,249 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        
Did Somebody Say

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Well I do, quite a bit of it actually. Linens, shirts, jeans mostly.

Have a Thor Gladiron, several vintage electric dry/steam irons and a press.

Most laundries today either clean shirts well (when they don't boil and bleach the heck out of them), but do not iron well. Or, iron well but the shirts are stained with collars and cuffs still soiled. Several laundries do good hand shirt laundry, but starting at $9.00 a shirt that is pricey.

Regarding final spin speeds,

IIRC Miele, AEG and other Euro front loaders have had final spin speeds of 1400 and over for awhile now, with no complaints about the motor.

Will agree though that final spin speeds above 1000 rpms or so is really for sturdy thick items like terry cloth towels, robes and such. Woven fabrics like sheets and shirts come out a wrinkled mess, and since I line dry most items before ironing, why make my job harder?

Think the difference between 600rpms to 800 is noticable, with the difference between 800 and 900 not that great. But 800 to 1000 is probably noticable but my guess would depend on what was being spun.

One good thing about high speed spins is they really get the remaining detergent and other residue out of laundry. Am amazed what comes out of "spun" laundry when put into an extractor.

As for drying times, you'd think laundromats would have max extract washers to speed up the bottle neck at the dryers and get customers out faster. Nothing doing, laundromats make money on those dryers and like things as they are. Think some new commercial coin up washers have max extract options (the Neptune is one), and usually the mat owner can program this feature to cost extra.

High spin speed with a warm rinse and some items come out of the washer almost dry.


Post# 48810 , Reply# 7   11/8/2004 at 06:12 (7,249 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        
Gorenje 2,000rpm Machine Launched

chestermikeuk's profile picture
Interesting debate on the issue of spin speeds, a Slovenian company , Gorenje has just introduced a new series of washers & dryers, one with a 2,00 rpm arrrooohhh and gansky says only useful if using a tumble dryer to get out the extra creases on everyday where and modern fabrics...

The difference is noticable on my Maytag Asko Euroline machine, if I switch the spin from 1600 top to 1500, a load of 6 exra large bath towels take 11 mins longer in the condensor dryer.

The trade off is extra creasing on a full load / modern fabrics (not 100% cotton etc).

My Hotpoint Top loader spinning at 1050 rpm has a noticable difference if I spin the clothes again for a further 4 mins at this speed.

But nothing can beat the old twinnys ( or new ones spinning at 2,800 rpm or even 3,100 for the Hotpoint.

Check the link and click on the newsroom tab for the latest info.

Happy spinning


p.s. I love ironing since getting to grips with a steam generator iron by Tefal which pushes 4g`s of steam with superb results..

CLICK HERE TO GO TO chestermikeuk's LINK

Post# 48816 , Reply# 8   11/8/2004 at 08:07 (7,249 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        

3,100 RPM's!!!!!! Wow---that thing must be related to the Rolls-Royce "Trent"!!!!! I'll bet that would set some wrinkles! When I was in school the coin-laundry I used had an extractor. I loved to use it for my jeans (in vogue for the first time) and heavy cotton towels. It reduced the drying time drastically but made sure ironing those jeans was NOT an option! -Steve

Post# 48829 , Reply# 9   11/8/2004 at 11:11 (7,249 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
Hey Mike,

Long time no see here. Thank you for the link to the Gorenje machine, I hadn't seen the news yet. It's quite an achievement. I guess Miele and AEG are not amused that Gorenje was the first to achieve this speed. I browsed a bit through all the features these machines have, pretty good!!!


Post# 48831 , Reply# 10   11/8/2004 at 12:39 (7,249 days old) by frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture
Hi Mike,

Thanks for posting the Gorenje site. My question is this: What on earth is a JOGGING cycle? It's listed as one of the TOL machine's special needs cycles.

Post# 48837 , Reply# 11   11/8/2004 at 13:49 (7,249 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

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Jogging is the same thing as running. So it's a special cycle for sportwear.

Post# 48853 , Reply# 12   11/8/2004 at 20:00 (7,249 days old) by arrrooohhh (Sydney Australia)        
Go Gorenje!

WOW! I just love the new range of Gorenje washing machines.
Lighted drums and everything.

They have always looked liked decent and honest washing machines no matter what Brandname they have worn.

Currently they are sold in Australia by Omega, who were selling shocking Merloni/Servis machines. However as this is the new range they arent in all stores yet, and not all the stores have Omega, though now I think they really should. A bit pricey though.

They are also sold by Kleenmaid which promotes itself as the worlds best and these are the really swoopy models but at $1500 for the base model. A bit rich if you ask me.

I bet Miele and AEG are spewing indeed (sorry for sounding like a bogan)

Post# 48859 , Reply# 13   11/8/2004 at 20:44 (7,249 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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MIKE!!!! I was beginning to think y'all had fallen off the face of the arth, of course, my fault for not emailing either.

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