Thread Number: 46975
Maytag Jetclean Portable
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Post# 683616   6/12/2013 at 00:37 (4,062 days old) by jakeseacrest (Massachusetts)        

jakeseacrest's profile picture
I want it but I have no room with my 3 other portables :(

CLICK HERE TO GO TO jakeseacrest's LINK on Providence Craigslist

Post# 683683 , Reply# 1   6/12/2013 at 13:43 (4,062 days old) by retropia ()        

I rarely see Maytag portables for sale. Perhaps they were more expensive when new, as compared to, say, their Kenmore and GE counterparts. If many portable dishwasher buyers were price-sensitive, like say a newlywed couple, it would make sense that Maytag might lose sales to less expensive competitors.

However, Kitchenaid seems to have sold a ton of portables, based on how many of those I've seen for sale. And Kitchenaid products were always expensive. So that theory may not hold up.

Post# 684155 , Reply# 2   6/17/2013 at 04:25 (4,057 days old) by whirlcool (Just North Of Houston, Texas)        

Looks like an early 90's model. Maytag DW's were built so sturdy back then and they cleaned very well. This looks to be somewhat of a BOL model.

You could clean up the outside and sand down and refinish the top an it would make someone a nice portable.

I wonder what that part the guy is holding in the second photo? It's not mentioned in the adverts text. I wonder if this is the sellers way of saying it needs repair?

Post# 684171 , Reply# 3   6/17/2013 at 07:20 (4,057 days old) by countryguy (Astorville, ON, Canada)        

countryguy's profile picture
The part in the 2nd pic looks to be the faucet connector.


Post# 684448 , Reply# 4   6/18/2013 at 13:41 (4,056 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        
Man I wish!!!

This was close by!!I need a portable for the new house as I did not want to tear up my cabinets here.

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