Thread Number: 46998
Kitchenaid DW
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Post# 683848   6/14/2013 at 08:57 (4,060 days old) by pulltostart (Mobile, AL)        

pulltostart's profile picture

Post# 683860 , Reply# 1   6/14/2013 at 11:26 (4,060 days old) by bluejay (Havre de Grace, MD)        

bluejay's profile picture
The interior on this looks awesome! It looks like it has seen minimal use.

Post# 683865 , Reply# 2   6/14/2013 at 12:24 (4,060 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

So few buttons.  I wonder if that's a KDC-18 or perhaps even a builder's model.

Post# 683878 , Reply# 3   6/14/2013 at 13:51 (4,060 days old) by chachp (North Little Rock, AR)        
No China Guard..

chachp's profile picture
I didn't realize they made a model without a china guard or did it have one that got removed at some point in time?

Post# 684005 , Reply# 4   6/15/2013 at 15:37 (4,059 days old) by STEVET (West Melbourne, FL)        
21 series "custom" model

That is a 21 series machine as evidenced by the lower wash arm and filter configuration. This is the same machine as I put in my Mother in Laws condo before she passed away. I think she used it twice in maybe 2 years!

I installed the Stainless panels to match all the new appliances in the kitchen.

See the pics to follow.

It had rinse and hold,full cycle and light china. It preheated the water in the prewash of the full cycle and then again in the main wash which would occurred at the same time as the main wash of the light cycle. It had a start button that would start the timer running when you turned it to the cycle you wanted and an enery saver dry button.

For the record, the 18 series did not have the fill opening where it is seen in the pics posted by the seller. It was behind the top rack track on the left side.
here are the before and after shots of the 21 machine I mentioned.

Post# 684006 , Reply# 5   6/15/2013 at 15:40 (4,059 days old) by STEVET (West Melbourne, FL)        
interior shot:

This was a barebbones machine as it lacked the adjustable upper rack as well as the china guard.But it washed like crazy. I tested it out at my garage before bringing it there and it was a really good performer especially with the double water heat delay.

Post# 684007 , Reply# 6   6/15/2013 at 15:42 (4,059 days old) by STEVET (West Melbourne, FL)        
New set of clothes!

looks really classy in stainless with the brushed top panel.

Post# 684008 , Reply# 7   6/15/2013 at 15:44 (4,059 days old) by STEVET (West Melbourne, FL)        
Full frontal shot!

These were the only 2 pictures of it I took. She is a real looker!

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