Thread Number: 47080
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Post# 684518   6/18/2013 at 20:24 (4,056 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
Looks to be in excellent shape. Last year of production hot/cool rocker switch instead of dry time selection. Even has the small items basket.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO appnut's LINK on Greenville Craigslist

Post# 684521 , Reply# 1   6/18/2013 at 20:43 (4,055 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
I always thought those LK units were striking with the array of buttons and the lighting that appears upon power-on.

Post# 684523 , Reply# 2   6/18/2013 at 20:52 (4,055 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        
Be Still My Heart!

danemodsandy's profile picture
This is the exact LK portable/convertible I bought my mom in '73. It lasted her for many years, despite her abuse of it (and every appliance she ever got her hands on), until Sears said "No More" on the service contract.

The greatest thing about it was that there was nothing it couldn't get clean if the longest cycle was used - even Mom's cavalier attitude toward pre-scraping didn't faze it.

This is the one dishwasher I'd turn loose of a KitchenAid for. It's D&M, and that means it was never the build quality of a KA machine, but oh, what memories. And the sucka could warsh.

Post# 684525 , Reply# 3   6/18/2013 at 21:34 (4,055 days old) by oldskool (Kansas City, MO)        
Picture 7

All those lights! What a sight of beauty and splendor! For the archives.

Excellent find.

Post# 684528 , Reply# 4   6/18/2013 at 21:53 (4,055 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        
What Was Wild Was:

danemodsandy's profile picture
That control panel was the most sophisticated on the market at the time, the most luxurious in look and feel. KitchenAids looked downright primitive next to these Lady Ks.

All of this was pre-electronic controls, so the special effects came courtesy of a lot of wiring and bulbs and a very fancy electromechanical timer. Today's appliance-maker accountants would have a hemorrhage if they had to cost such a thing out.

Post# 684537 , Reply# 5   6/18/2013 at 23:00 (4,055 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
Uncle Robert Appnut ~ IT IS GORGEOUS.

mickeyd's profile picture
One's breath has been taken away.

One has a case of the vapors, badly.

One is gasping, madly! LOL

Post# 684591 , Reply# 6   6/19/2013 at 11:10 (4,055 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
What will be an interesting story, I hope, coming up later.

mickeyd's profile picture
I also hope that whoever got it is one of us. A truly wonderful and oh-so-lucky score.

Post# 684593 , Reply# 7   6/19/2013 at 11:30 (4,055 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
This is an excellent dishwasher, it's the best I've used of all the machines I've had in the kitchen. This thing I like about it most is it has a food chopper with no silly filters to clean and catch old food that just sits there for days like in a KitchenAid or Whirlpool dishwasher, and I usually dump plates right in without scraping or rinsing. Almost never have I found bits and pieces food left over on the dishes. Also the spinning upper rack generally spins the top of cups and bowls water free before the drying even begins.

While other dishwashers are probably built with better quality parts, overall this machine would get the highest marks in my book for what it is suppose to do, wash dishes without any maintenance after the fact.

Post# 684600 , Reply# 8   6/19/2013 at 12:06 (4,055 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        
I Heartily Agree!

danemodsandy's profile picture
....wash dishes without any maintenance after the fact."

When Mom finally finished killing her Lady K, she replaced it with a lower-MOL GE portable - she figured since this one was coming out of her pocket, she'd save herself some money.

The result? Nothing like the Lady K - while the GE was a decent machine for what it was, it wasn't effortless, and effortless was what The Appliance Killer was accustomed to.

She complained so much and so bitterly that one day, I could take no more. I finally told her: "I told you to take care of the one you had!"

She gave me her very sourest "How DARE you!" face. Tough noogies.

Post# 684620 , Reply# 9   6/19/2013 at 14:51 (4,055 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        

laundromat's profile picture
The era of this classic dishwasher was one of class but lots of changes were happening then.outlets on ranges,sensi-temp burners,and other exclusive features were disappearing fast.Electronic,digital controls were just beginning to show popularity andand there was only one brand making front loaders ( Westinghouse) in the United States.Back then, Sears had everything for the home.Sinks,Cabinetry,paint,flooring,furniture and none other then Kenmore appliances.Whirlpool was the soul provider/manufacturer of Kenmore appliances.There was competition but Sears had not only easy credit but easy monthly payments and people would go for a new range and wind up replacing all of their kitchen appliances! Coppertone,avocado,harvest gold,black,stainless steel and snowiest white were available colors and the average price for a nice microwave oven was $700!!!! That was also the period of gas shortage and gas hogging eight cylinder engines and the car door slamming GM did to FRIGIDAIRE.

Post# 684640 , Reply# 10   6/19/2013 at 18:03 (4,055 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        
Just For the Record:

danemodsandy's profile picture
Here's the catalog shot for this machine (originally posted on another thread by pierrereply4), and don't you wish you could buy a new TOL dishwasher - of any brand - for that price now?

Obviously, it came in all the colors popular then - Coppertone, Avocado and Harvest - but there was also the Ye Olde Fayke Woode Graine front option. This was injection-molded plastique, and it was sort of impressive if you're the kind of person who thinks plastic flower arrangements are just as good as the real thing. It also had a solid walnut top instead of the rock maple used on other colors, which really was impressive. I saw these dishwashers in several houses besides my mom's over the years, but I never saw the fake wood front anywhere outside the Sears store on Ponce de Leon in Atlanta:

Post# 684642 , Reply# 11   6/19/2013 at 19:10 (4,055 days old) by william637 (Damp pants? Not a chance. )        
Seller Contacted

william637's profile picture
I emailed the seller this afternoon. Hopefully it will work out. If so, I will have most all of the Lady Kenmore roto-racks for my collection.

Keep your fingers crossed.

Post# 684644 , Reply# 12   6/19/2013 at 19:33 (4,055 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        

danemodsandy's profile picture
Best of luck.

Even though it's highly unlikely I will ever own, use or even see one of these again, it will be nice to know there's one out there in the hands of an appreciative owner.

Post# 684649 , Reply# 13   6/19/2013 at 20:27 (4,054 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
The story, (Thank you, Paul Turquoisedude)

mickeyd's profile picture
The woman who sold the machine was in the hospital and that's why the ad has not been taken down. It was sold and picked up a few days ago. Alas, she did not offer many details.

My heart pounded so hard with eager anticipation when I called her last night because I was hoping to heal a wound with this machine. I left her two messages, at last offering her the original 200, or more. The bad news came this morning.

In the late winter, the Avocado Roto-Rack LK, left to me by my beloved gay Aunt Alice, was mistakenly put to the curb by two of my nephews because my mother, in her eighties, thought there may be mold in the housing. This was a rarely used machine in mint condition. I thought the machine was safe in the hands of mom. When my built-in Tappan (model M 61 1144) bit the dust, I so wanted this gem, especially because the plumbing is on the left which is a perfect fit for the wet bar, and it allows easy entry into the living room. It was going to be perfect. AND IT WAS MY GAY AUNT'S, For Christ Sake.

When I went for the machine, stored in Alice's finished basement and learned of its fate not only was I devastated, but I got sick. The stress weakened my immune system. Most members here will appreciate the depths of loss in a circumstance such as this. I'll spare you the details.

The machine in this thread was just an hour away from by magnificent nephew and Godson, Bret who lives in Columbia NC, and is coming home to visit shortly. It seemed like the universe was reaching out a hand.
Such comforting delusions!

OUCH. Thanks, Unijerx LOL.

So there you go, as Geraldine loves to say, I've gotten over it, but one of these LK's would sure sand away the scar. All that survives is this bad photograph.

Post# 684650 , Reply# 14   6/19/2013 at 20:32 (4,054 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
Columbia SC, an hour from Greer

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