Thread Number: 47088
Stainless Steel KDS15
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Post# 684607   6/19/2013 at 13:02 (4,055 days old) by xpanam (Palm Springs California )        

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Racks are rusty and it looks like the wash arm support is missing?

CLICK HERE TO GO TO xpanam's LINK on eBay

Post# 684608 , Reply# 1   6/19/2013 at 13:25 (4,055 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        

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The opening bid is absurd, but how I would love to find one of these at a reasonable price, to use its front panels and control panels on my KDS-55, the portable/convertible version of the 15 series.

My KDS-55 has the later, Ye Olde Fayke Woode Graine control panel on it, and I hugely prefer the earlier, Antique Gold panel *. Stainless front panels weren't a catalogued option for portable/convertible machines, but KitchenAid always stood quietly ready to give you what you wanted, regular production option or no.


* The Antique Gold panels seem to have turned pink over the years, but the magnificent 15-series KitchenAid brochure available through Automatic Ephemera (shameless plug!) shows them in all their brand-new golden glory.

This post was last edited 06/19/2013 at 18:07
Post# 684610 , Reply# 2   6/19/2013 at 13:46 (4,055 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        

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Yes, the wash arm support has issues. You can see the pin seated in the wash-arm photo, but the pin and the metal bearing are missing on the second photo. I’ve seen this often were it pulls right out of the bakelite base. Unfortunately the 15 wash arm supports are different from the 16/17 supports and are hard to come by – which this machine would need in order to be an effective dishwasher again.

This machine appears to have been well used. It might be good for parts and ephemera (but at a much lower price!)

Post# 684625 , Reply# 3   6/19/2013 at 15:11 (4,055 days old) by firedome (Binghamton NY & Lake Champlain VT)        
Exact machine, including the SS panels...

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that my folks in Baltimore bought from Stuart Kitchens in fall 1966... a wonderful machine that generated my eternal love for all things Hobart KA.

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