Thread Number: 47150
Zanussi IZ IZ161W Washing machine
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Post# 685212   6/23/2013 at 12:51 (4,051 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

Hi, as I put in my thread in the Deluxe forum about me getting this, I am selling the machine here on I need the machine gone ASAP, so first come, first served.

a)The door seal is black and a new one will be £45.
b)The door won't unlock after I ran the drain cycle and you can't start a program.
c)When I ran a fault check thing it came up with E51, Motor Triac.
d)The brushes and motor bearings are completely worn/shot.
e)It's been sat outside for 6 weeks and it's in a bad shape.
f)It stinks horrible
g)It's UGLY!
h)PCB is dodgy.

So I'd like to ask, if anyone can pick it up ASAP, then drop me a message, although I'm away this week so I'll reply Friday evening- email address is in my profile. I will NOT deliver, I don't drive and it's my parents otherwise and they've strictly said it'll be collection. Sorry if that sounds harsh.


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