Thread Number: 47209
Wear that Crown King
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Post# 686014   6/27/2013 at 13:57 (4,101 days old) by CleanteamofNY ((Monroe, New York)        

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Post# 686018 , Reply# 1   6/27/2013 at 14:29 (4,101 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

For $200 I'll come over and apply film to your dishes.

Post# 686021 , Reply# 2   6/27/2013 at 14:44 (4,101 days old) by whirlykenmore78 (Prior Lake MN (GMT-0500 CDT.))        

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For something that barely worked to begin with?  Now if that was a KDS-18 thru KUDS-23 in mint shape it would be worth that. 


Post# 686037 , Reply# 3   6/27/2013 at 16:39 (4,101 days old) by CleanteamofNY ((Monroe, New York)        

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Post# 686097 , Reply# 4   6/27/2013 at 23:26 (4,100 days old) by redcarpetdrew (Fairfield, CA)        

redcarpetdrew's profile picture
My father in law had an older Waste King with that upper washarm supply tube that kept breaking off. Never one to waste anything (read couldn't throw anything away...), he found that tube to make an excellent paper towel holder for his shop, etc. Most likely a better use than what it was intended for in the first place and definitely produced better cleaning results than when it was in the machine...


Post# 686230 , Reply# 5   6/29/2013 at 00:19 (4,099 days old) by CleanteamofNY ((Monroe, New York)        

cleanteamofny's profile picture
So this Waste King was a poorper in cleaning huh!?

Post# 686495 , Reply# 6   6/30/2013 at 16:13 (4,098 days old) by william637 (Damp pants? Not a chance. )        
Yeah..but there is always someone who will pay it

william637's profile picture
In this instance, it would be me. I have the older brother of this machine (without the steam) which I got just because I didn't think I would ever be lucky enough to find one of these. I paid for it today and will drive up to New York in two weeks to collect it.

I know everyone has talked about how crappy these machines really are, but I have always been fascinated with them since I saw an ad for it in a magazine as a child.

It's a sexy machine...and who says sexy has to have substance? Britney Spears has done well for herself after all...

Post# 686497 , Reply# 7   6/30/2013 at 16:24 (4,098 days old) by rberryiii3 (Palm Springs, California)        
Let me know how this machine works out

I have always loved these  machines( but then ignorance is bliss) 

let me know how it works out.


Post# 686585 , Reply# 8   6/30/2013 at 23:52 (4,097 days old) by CleanteamofNY ((Monroe, New York)        

cleanteamofny's profile picture
It's a rare gem and we will never see another one like it anytime soon. I hope your trip will be on a weekend so we can meet and greet!

Post# 686657 , Reply# 9   7/1/2013 at 12:30 (4,097 days old) by william637 (Damp pants? Not a chance. )        
Heading up the weekend of July 13th

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Right now, the plan is for me to head up the weekend of July 13th. I am waiting to hear back from him about his schedule. I know that I am picking it up from zip code 12590, so if that is close to you send me an email and maybe we can grab a cup of coffee or something.

Post# 686678 , Reply# 10   7/1/2013 at 15:07 (4,097 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        

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Yes, as the capital "S" above indicates.


This clone pictured below had Nate and I spellbound from its looks to the point of overpaying for it, fashioning new stainless-look panels for it, and installing it. 


The spell wore off as the spotting and filming went on.  It was bad enough to make it onto Nate's "Machines of Ill Repute" short list that he posted some time ago.


Mark, if you can get the WK to turn out clean dishes, in spite of the steam option -- not as a result of it, do be sure and let us know how you did it.  I might still have my Thermador if it performed well and was quiet about doing so, but the lower rack accommodation for the upper spray arm provided the third strike, so out it went.

Post# 686687 , Reply# 11   7/1/2013 at 15:44 (4,097 days old) by william637 (Damp pants? Not a chance. )        
I am looking forward to playing with it

william637's profile picture
I read the post you referred to sometime back. It is going to be interesting to see what happens when I actually put dishes in it. Of course, knowing me, it will just be placed in the rack in the basement, hooked up to water, and run occasionally just to listen to it.

I have several cool machines in the basement, some of which I have talked about bringing up to the kitchen, but it has yet to happen. Mainly because I have two dishwashers in the kitchen and I want them to match. I don't have two matching dishwashers in the basement (yet).

Several weeks ago I just had to try out the reverse rack jenn-air so I took a few bus pans of dishes down to the basement. It was a fun experiment, until I had to drag everything back up the stairs. But the way everyone talks about these steam machine dishwashers...I'm going to have to give it a try....

Post# 686718 , Reply# 12   7/1/2013 at 19:42 (4,096 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        
The steam option

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Mark, you probably remember the complaint Nate and I had with the steam cycles, that the steam process took so long that the supply of hot water to the machine for any remaining fills had cooled off.  Mileage can vary on this issue based on the machine's distance from the water heater.


There is one area where these machines excel, and that is with drying.  No other dishwasher I've ever used has come close out-drying the Thermador.  Rarely was there any water in cup bottoms or other concave pieces on the top rack.  A great system.


Sounds like your basement is well equipped for a dishwash-in . . .

Post# 686723 , Reply# 13   7/1/2013 at 20:13 (4,096 days old) by william637 (Damp pants? Not a chance. )        
I am working on it

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Over the past 15 months I have acquired about 23 dishwashers - some for parts, and others as part of a restoration project. My first goal on all of the restoration projects is just to get them functional (pump water without leaking). After this, I am going to through one by one and start cleaning up panels and trim (most all of pitting or rust somewhere on them).

I have built a rack in my basement that holds 8 dishwashers thus far. I have a hot water run to them, and plans to install a circulation pump that I can run when I want to use the dishwashers so the water stays hot in the loop. I haven't fully plumbed the drain - right now I just have a pipe that runs into a bucket, so I have to empty the bucket after every drain. Eventually, I will get the basement finished like I want it, but time and money are against me..,

So, it is very much a work in progress, but if anyone is ever in NC, I welcome them to drop by. If I can get things cleaned up at least a little bit down there I may be planning on a dish-wash in next spring or summer.

Post# 686725 , Reply# 14   7/1/2013 at 20:14 (4,096 days old) by william637 (Damp pants? Not a chance. )        
Oh yeah - I do remember your complaint

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I actually read that post several times. I can imagine how funny it must be in hind sight to have two people who actually do know how to load a dishwasher yelling at the other telling them they didn't know what they were doing. Those would be fighting words in this house, LOL.

Post# 686730 , Reply# 15   7/1/2013 at 20:31 (4,096 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        
two people who actually do know how to load a dishwasher

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Not exactly. 


Those two would be Nate and his partner David, and there's no mistaking which of them has far, far more experience loading dishwashers.  Wink


Nate took the Thermador from me when I replaced it with an ISE Classic Supreme, I have never heard the end of it from David, and likely never will.

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