Thread Number: 47229
Vintage gas stoves, Monitor Top, Servel fridge, etc in LA
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Post# 686222   6/28/2013 at 21:36 (4,046 days old) by athanasius80 (California)        

athanasius80's profile picture
I just got back from this estate sale at 1325 W. Adams, Los Angeles. They still have all the big appliances, a couple vintage toasters, about 4 1920s-1930s Hoovers, and a lot of other stuff. Hope some local collectors find things they can use.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO athanasius80's LINK

Post# 686227 , Reply# 1   6/28/2013 at 23:26 (4,046 days old) by polkanut (Wausau, WI )        
Available in Green Bay, WI

polkanut's profile picture

I can just make out the brand (Estate) of this gas range.  A little steep for a 36" gas cooker.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO polkanut's LINK on Greenbay Craigslist

Post# 746151 , Reply# 2   3/29/2014 at 21:49 (3,772 days old) by Northwesty (Renton, WA)        

I have been a member of this site longer than the vacuumland site, but this thread had a little more impact over there, so I posted there instead of here. Anyway it might be of interest to some to know I lived in the house in question some 30 years ago, and it kinda started me interested in vintage appliances as it was a very retro house. Thanks for looking. Brian.

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