Thread Number: 47281
Ohhh these are Pretty!...
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Post# 686814   7/2/2013 at 09:50 (4,042 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

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Post# 686832 , Reply# 1   7/2/2013 at 10:53 (4,042 days old) by Kenmore71 (Minneapolis, MN)        

kenmore71's profile picture

Going to look at them tonight.  Looking at the hose in the tub the washer appears to be a suds-saver.  This is the washer of my childhood.  I'm still a little twitchy with excitement....

Post# 686839 , Reply# 2   7/2/2013 at 11:15 (4,042 days old) by mr-maytag (Minneapolis, MN)        

mr-maytag's profile picture
I saw these and thought someone would be interested! Hope it works out, Mark!

Post# 686842 , Reply# 3   7/2/2013 at 11:30 (4,042 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        

swestoyz's profile picture
Well would you look at that! Can't wait to hear how the visit goes!


Post# 686844 , Reply# 4   7/2/2013 at 11:40 (4,042 days old) by DaveAMKrayoGuy (Oak Park, MI)        

daveamkrayoguy's profile picture
Someone resurrected my beat friend's parents' washer & dryer!!!!!! (Awww, 'cept I asked if the washer had a Suds Saver & he didn't know what it was, but father, more smart & knowledgeable 'bout EVERYTHING, said "No!"; the thing just drained to a stand pipe in back...)

It looks just like it!

-- Dave

Post# 686854 , Reply# 5   7/2/2013 at 12:43 (4,042 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        

mickeyd's profile picture
Saw these this morning in Ted's thread on top as soon as I got up. We should get used to double-threading for miracles like this.

The whole bit is just too insane: the classic little old lady, they're pure mint, Mark's going to get a childhood dream, Mark always sends out good vibes, his Karma throbbing; the machines are FIFTY BUCKS for the BOTH, and I spied that hose immediately hoping the not visible end goes all the way down the tub.

What a way to start the day!

Isn't this also the infamous set of Jason's practical joke when he "installed" a Kelvinator agitator in his, and they were christened "Radio Consoles" ?

Post# 686857 , Reply# 6   7/2/2013 at 12:52 (4,042 days old) by Kenmoreguy64 (Charlotte, NC)        

kenmoreguy64's profile picture
Mark -

GOOD LUCK getting these, especially if they are your childhood machines!!!

If you'd rather have an electric dryer, I have one, its even Avocado.


Post# 686887 , Reply# 7   7/2/2013 at 15:30 (4,042 days old) by Kenmore71 (Minneapolis, MN)        

kenmore71's profile picture

Actually, it was only the washer that we had when I was a kid.  The dryer was an 1967ish Kenmore 70.  The dryer had been purchased when the laundry was still being done in a Maytag wringer.  My mother used her severance pay when she left her office job right before I was born to buy the automatic washer.  She was going to have NO part of washing cloth diapers in a wringer!

For right now, I prefer to have the gas dryer since electricity is rather limited where I live.  

Post# 686919 , Reply# 8   7/2/2013 at 17:50 (4,042 days old) by oldskool (Kansas City, MO)        
They are...

Simply beautiful. Best of wishes that you get these!

Post# 686924 , Reply# 9   7/2/2013 at 18:17 (4,042 days old) by bigalsf (Salt Lake City)        
Now those are cool!!

Wow, great looking pair! Good luck getting them Mark! Hope you enjoy many memories "playing" with them!! :)

Post# 686940 , Reply# 10   7/2/2013 at 19:40 (4,042 days old) by Kenmore71 (Minneapolis, MN)        

kenmore71's profile picture

I went and looked at them tonight and they are in generally good condition.  I paid for them and will pick them up either on Thursday or Friday.  Picture-wise, there really wasn't much to take a pic of that wasn't already in the ad.  That and the light was so bad down there that you could hardly see!  I can tell already that the diaphram on the suds valve is toast.  The tub looks to be in decent but not "shiny new" condition.  This and 20 other projects should keep me busy for a while.  Does that mean I officially have the "disease"?


Post# 686946 , Reply# 11   7/2/2013 at 20:01 (4,042 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        
Does that mean I officially have the "disease"?

unimatic1140's profile picture
Yes we refer to it as "the sickness" and so many of us enjoy it as well lol.

Congrats Mark, I'm thrilled they are going to a good home!

Post# 686948 , Reply# 12   7/2/2013 at 20:05 (4,042 days old) by kenmore58 (Rhode Island)        

kenmore58's profile picture

As one Kenmore lover to another, congratulations! Looking forward to more pictures and updates on these machines.


Post# 686965 , Reply# 13   7/2/2013 at 20:44 (4,042 days old) by Kenmore71 (Minneapolis, MN)        

kenmore71's profile picture

But as a preview...I did take the original literature.  I seem to have a knack for finding appliances with "provenance".


Sales invoice:

Post# 686966 , Reply# 14   7/2/2013 at 20:45 (4,042 days old) by Kenmore71 (Minneapolis, MN)        

kenmore71's profile picture

The parts lists

Post# 686967 , Reply# 15   7/2/2013 at 20:46 (4,042 days old) by Kenmore71 (Minneapolis, MN)        

kenmore71's profile picture

Washer user manual.  Also includes the 1970 "800" model 

Post# 686968 , Reply# 16   7/2/2013 at 20:46 (4,042 days old) by Kenmore71 (Minneapolis, MN)        

kenmore71's profile picture

And the dryer manual

Post# 686971 , Reply# 17   7/2/2013 at 21:09 (4,042 days old) by Kenmore71 (Minneapolis, MN)        

kenmore71's profile picture

Just one more...the cycle descriptions from the lid:

Post# 686972 , Reply# 18   7/2/2013 at 21:11 (4,042 days old) by jetaction (Minneapolis)        

jetaction's profile picture
I am glad you have your childhood washer, very unusual design and they don't come up often!

Post# 687067 , Reply# 19   7/3/2013 at 07:58 (4,041 days old) by polkanut (Wausau, WI )        

polkanut's profile picture

Looks like the receipt shows a sale date of 6/23/70 and a delivery date of 7/6/70.  So after 43yrs in the same house, they'll be moving to a new location around the same date they were originally delivered.  How cool is that?  Great find Mark!

Post# 687071 , Reply# 20   7/3/2013 at 08:33 (4,041 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
Really nice set, Mark. The price is wonderful for a fairly rare and in as good of condition as they look, almost free!

Fill all open spaces with appliances and related items, then move to a larger one. Not a disease or sickness, it's simply "growth"!

Post# 687169 , Reply# 21   7/3/2013 at 19:25 (4,041 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        
Avocado With ENVY

mrb627's profile picture

These are beautiful!  Glad they have been saved!



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