Thread Number: 47282
anyone know where I can purchase 1950 hotpoint deep well fryer element?
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Post# 686817   7/2/2013 at 10:06 (4,114 days old) by ditchqueen ()        

I just purchased a 1950 Hotpoint push button stove, catalog number 209RB57. I have the deep well fryer pot and lid, but am looking for the heating element that goes with it and the griddle. GE has the burners but that's it. Does anyone know where I may be able to purchase these items?

Post# 686905 , Reply# 1   7/2/2013 at 16:34 (4,114 days old) by classiccaprice (Hampton, Virginia)        

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I went through a similar problem with my 1950 Frigidaire.  Sometimes one of our fellow members will have one.  If not, I wound up google searching for a similar stove with the parts I wanted and wrote the seller.  If the stove has been for sale for a while, sometimes people are willing to part them out.  I now have a box of extra parts if I need them.  Best of luck!

Post# 687063 , Reply# 2   7/3/2013 at 07:15 (4,113 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        

Told you wrong about the date, the immersion fryer was introduced in 1953 and the griddle in 54, if you will post a picture I can tell you what year it actually is, I hate to tell you but those are the two most difficult pieces to find, but they do occasionally turn up.

Post# 687072 , Reply# 3   7/3/2013 at 08:34 (4,113 days old) by classiccaprice (Hampton, Virginia)        

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Hans is right, I misread what you are looking for.

Post# 687104 , Reply# 4   7/3/2013 at 11:51 (4,113 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

RB57 is a 1954 model.

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