Thread Number: 47292
Norgidaire 'fridge
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Post# 686877   7/2/2013 at 14:41 (4,042 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

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and it's even 'frost free'!

CLICK HERE TO GO TO goatfarmer's LINK on eBay

Post# 686895 , Reply# 1   7/2/2013 at 15:58 (4,042 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        
And if it were closer!!!

It would be HERE!!! That is the Nightwatch model, that clock controlled the defrosting.

Post# 686896 , Reply# 2   7/2/2013 at 15:59 (4,042 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        
The compressor..

Was known as the Rollator, it was a rotary compressor that used SO-2, these worked great.

Post# 690732 , Reply# 3   7/20/2013 at 13:32 (4,024 days old) by polkanut (Wausau, WI )        
Another Norge

polkanut's profile picture

Hans, how about a spare fridge for all of your housewarming entertaining?!?

CLICK HERE TO GO TO polkanut's LINK on Wausau Craigslist

Post# 690735 , Reply# 4   7/20/2013 at 14:01 (4,024 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        
If you find...

One that is NOT self going to put it in my kitchen so I can have ice cream that is hard and isnt freezer burned, to me a self defrosting fridge is an abomination!!!I gave away my freezer for the same reason, everything freezer burned!but I sure do want a Norge!! you can bet on that, a Big old Borg Warner special!

Post# 690747 , Reply# 5   7/20/2013 at 15:20 (4,024 days old) by polkanut (Wausau, WI )        

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Post# 690748 , Reply# 6   7/20/2013 at 15:25 (4,024 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

The coppertone one looks like the model our neighbors had, which replaced their +/- '50 Westinghouse.  What I remember about their Norge was that when you opened the freezer door, the evaporator fan shut off.  It also had a serpentine coil in the fresh food section and I can't tell if the coppertone one does or not.

Post# 690757 , Reply# 7   7/20/2013 at 16:08 (4,024 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture

Love that coppertone model!

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