Thread Number: 47317
Tappan Fabulous 400 in Oak Ridge, TN
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Post# 687232   7/4/2013 at 08:16 (4,040 days old) by bwoods ()        

Our local Habitat for Humanity Re Store just got in a nice Tappan Fabulous 400 range. I didn't have my camera with me, but will try to get a picture of it Friday or Saturday.

It looks almost identical to the one my parents got when I was in the 1st grade, so my guess is it is about a 1960 or 1961 model. It is not on the factory wood cabinet base, They just have it sitting on the floor. I made the mistake of telling the store manager is was a collector's item, ha. I hope that did not raise the price up. :)

I wish I had a place for it but I don't. One of you who is working on a sixties retro kitchen might really like this.

She has no current price marked on it. And I really think she would take any reasonable offer just to get it our of the store as their appliance room is crowded.

The top and sides could use a little elbow grease, but the control panel, front and ovens are fairly clean and look nice.

If anyone wants the contact information for the store, I'll send it to you.

(BTW, Have any of you experienced that feeling of comforting familiarity when you encounter an appliance your family had when you are a child? It is almost like you go back in time for a few moments. I suddenly recalled every little detail I thought I had forgotten: the feel of the handles, the final click of the temperature knobs when they are rotated off, the texture of the control panel, and even the sound of the oven door as it latches.)

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