Thread Number: 47476
Emerson A/C for sale
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Post# 689325   7/14/2013 at 12:54 (4,030 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
looks to be a rare bird.......I wonder if PhilR needs one of these?.....

not bad at 8000BTU for $75.00

these older ones seem to blow a lot colder than the new ones, maybe a little more to run, but sometimes whats the better choice, and which will last longer?

CLICK HERE TO GO TO Yogitunes's LINK on Southjersey Craigslist

Post# 689347 , Reply# 1   7/14/2013 at 15:58 (4,030 days old) by PhilR (Quebec Canada)        

philr's profile picture
Nice! I don't need to get another one at the moment but I did miss big early-seventies Frigidaire that was for sale in New Hampshire. The 7800 BTU unit that you got me along with the other 8000 BTU I got at the same time are doing fine at the moment. I still have a 1962 9000 BTU Carrier which I don't use anymore as it's too large for the windows at home! It's 75° upstairs and 70° downstairs at home at the moment It's quite hot outside. It's currently 89° here with the "Humidex" (see the link) which makes it feel like it's 102°...


Post# 689356 , Reply# 2   7/14/2013 at 17:07 (4,030 days old) by turquoisedude (.)        

turquoisedude's profile picture
Oh, geez, I should get this for Ogden... I am sure Hubby will just LOVE having a vintage Air-Conditioner, don't you think??

Post# 689387 , Reply# 3   7/14/2013 at 18:32 (4,030 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
after getting the last one for Phil, and then the one he also picked up, I could have kept them for myself....they were too nice!...

I just got 4 newer units from an estate sale, for 100.00....a 4000. 2-6000, and an 8000BTU.....their OK, and work fine, but nothing like these older I needed more or any at all, just thinking if power goes out, and I run the generator, I can't use the these little units will work out fine for the bedrooms at least

thats the problem with most people, they get central air, and sell off the window units......never thinking if theres ever an issue, and may take days or longer to fix the central us with washers, or mixers and such, we have a back up plan, just in case.....

WHAT are you thinking Paul.....have to have it, can't live another day without it!....THAT, or you just need rubbed down again, I mean persuaded!....

Post# 689394 , Reply# 4   7/14/2013 at 18:56 (4,030 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        
I've Often Thought....

danemodsandy's profile picture
....That there's a real business opportunity in large cities doing daily rentals on window units, for people who are waiting for their central systems to be repaired.

You'd call, they'd bring out an appropriately-sized unit, put it in the window for you, leave a simple instruction card - and then come back out and take everything away when you don't need it any more.

It would take some real capital to do it, but it could be a real money-maker. You could charge a fair amount and still be cheaper than motel-room rates.

Post# 689425 , Reply# 5   7/14/2013 at 20:10 (4,030 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
There could be some serious thought there Sandy.....

but it could also be done by these rental places like Aarons' and Rent-a-Center....

suprised its not supplied already by the A/C contractor, especially if its under warranty!.....

when they installed my new heating system, during a month of March, they did bring in portable electric heaters and such to keep the house temp and pipes from freezing while completing the work which took three days...this made sense

I was also thinking of seniors or asthma patients who need this A/C, and really can't do without it for a few hours, not to mention days.....and thats when these units fail, the hottest days of the year!

Post# 689427 , Reply# 6   7/14/2013 at 20:26 (4,030 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        

danemodsandy's profile picture
You'd need a lot of window units, in various sizes, and they'd all need to be 110V, because the chances of 220V outlets in houses with central air would be slim.

You'd also need some of those "portable" units that sit in the room, with an exhaust hose to the outside, because there are a lot of '70s and early '80s houses where the windows are so narrow in width that not even a 4000 BTU window unit can be mounted in them (my house in Marietta, GA, built in '83, was like this).

You'd also need window braces for the larger sized units, as well as lots of liability insurance, because you never know when someone's going to do something stupid, whether employee or customer.

But it's a workable idea, I'm convinced. Let's say an average of $25/day rental, plus a setup/removal fee. In a big city, there'd be a lot of money there.

And oh, yeah - units would need to be non-smoking only, as in "You smoke it up, you might as well buy it."

Post# 689439 , Reply# 7   7/14/2013 at 22:10 (4,030 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
oh yeah.....these newer unit with the hoses out the windows are a great option for many....i have one, its 12000 A/C, and 9000 was given to me....I need to get/find hoses, which it takes two, and thats a great unit to have.....

step back in time....remember the GE Carry-Cool units.......I still have's still somewhat a monster at 9000BTU's to carry.....but the even front/rear weight and handle makes it nice to move from room to room if needed...

and yes, you would need stipulations of such stuff......but most likely doable....

Post# 689454 , Reply# 8   7/14/2013 at 23:44 (4,030 days old) by PhilR (Quebec Canada)        

philr's profile picture
I didn't know GE made 9000 BTU Carry-Cool units! I thought they were more in the 4000-5000 BTU range!

The 1967 Frigidaire A/C you found for me also had even front/rear weight distribution.

Post# 689496 , Reply# 9   7/15/2013 at 07:33 (4,029 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Rental Window A/C units

combo52's profile picture

Good heating-cooling contractors often do lend out an A/C unit to older folks etc in desperate need while their central system is being replaced-repaired. One can also go to a rental company and with new units being so inexpensive often people just buy one if needed.


I do agree Martin that people are often foolish in getting rid of all their window A/C units when they install central A/C thinking that they will never need them, it is always good to have a back-up plan.

Post# 689701 , Reply# 10   7/15/2013 at 23:16 (4,029 days old) by whirlcool (Just North Of Houston, Texas)        

Several air conditioning contractors here in Houston advertise the fact that they will lend you a window unit while your old unit is being repaired, overnight. In other words, you only get the loaner a/c if the repairs can't be done in one day.

When I had my heating-A/C central unit replaced two years ago it took the installers all of 5 hours to replace everything. And that was from arrival to departure. They sent a team to put it all together. And an hour later we were very comfortable in the house.

Post# 689723 , Reply# 11   7/16/2013 at 00:17 (4,028 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
install and sevice are two different things.....

most places have an emergency team, and thats usually set aside for water heater replacement....done on an emergency basis.....

for something like central air....replacement install can be done in a few hours......WAIT until it fails, call for service, ESPECIALLY in the middle of JULY, and in about a day or two, someone will come out to evaluate the problem, A- they have the part right there, B- they have to order the part, or C- part NLA, or unit too far gone, now were talking replacement...

many times you will find a small A/C for sale on CL.....that was only purchased to use while their central was being repaired or replacement could be done...but thats my point, if it happen once, it can happen again, keeping that little unit is wise......we all know trying to find units once the HeatWave hits is next to impossible.....people buy early in prep for the comming season.....once stores sell out, thats it for this year....

people do the same thing with generators, they wait until the power goes out to buy one, if they can find one.....and then try to sell it after the storm, or better, try to return to the store for a refund..... thinking thats the only storm to knock out power for the rest of their lives...they will never ever need one again.....

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