Thread Number: 47488
Nice Hoover Twinnie and GE dryer NY $125
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Post# 689509   7/15/2013 at 09:30 (4,205 days old) by reversajet (Westchester, NY)        

Would like to sell this set to an appreciative member before going the Craigslist route, a barely used Hoover 0510 in white and GE mini dryer in harvest. From a neighbor who said it was intended for a vacation home which never materialized, the washer functions in all settings and holds water without issue. The drain hose has some kinking until it can be made pliable with use I guess. The round spin mat has suffered dry rot, probably from storage and non-use, but there are substitutes I understand. I don't know much about the dryer except that it starts and blows warm air, having 2 cycles and 115V. The pair have to go together and some help may be offered if you're in the NY tri state area. Thanks!

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