Thread Number: 47500
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Post# 689786   7/16/2013 at 08:55 (4,028 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
beat the heat......

a true Westinghouse....

CLICK HERE TO GO TO Yogitunes's LINK on Southjersey Craigslist

Post# 689788 , Reply# 1   7/16/2013 at 08:56 (4,028 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
Post# 689791 , Reply# 2   7/16/2013 at 08:57 (4,028 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
Post# 690125 , Reply# 3   7/17/2013 at 20:54 (4,026 days old) by toploader55 (Massachusetts Sand Bar, Cape Cod)        
hOLY cRAP !!!

toploader55's profile picture
That Westy in your first post is the First A/C I bought when I was 14 years old.
That was in 1967.

Noisy as all get out, but as always, Ice Cold Air.

Emerson QuietKools... Always a favorite.

Carrier Weathermakers, Whirlpool, Panic buttons, Fedders weatherwheels, And Chrysler AirTemps Always the Best

Post# 690686 , Reply# 4   7/20/2013 at 09:09 (4,024 days old) by polkanut (Wausau, WI )        
Kelvinator a/c

polkanut's profile picture

Here's a nice looking Kelvinator but owner says he/she doesn't know how many BTU's.  I'm guessing maybe 5,000?

CLICK HERE TO GO TO polkanut's LINK on Wausau Craigslist

Post# 691218 , Reply# 5   7/22/2013 at 18:04 (4,022 days old) by CircleW (NE Cincinnati OH area)        

Had a Westinghouse AC like the first post, in my bedroon from about '69 until we got central air in '73.

Think it was like 8000 BTU or so, and had a textured aluminum cabinet. Purchased from Swallen's on Wooster Pk.

My sister had an Admiral in her room, and at first we couldn't run them at the same time, as they were on the same circuit, and would blow a fuse. We solved that problem by going to the attic, and connecting the outlet to another circuit, that had no heavy loads on it.

Post# 691760 , Reply# 6   7/24/2013 at 20:33 (4,020 days old) by maytag63 (South Berwick, Maine)        

maytag63's profile picture
Picked up the exact GE Carry Cool, pictured for $5.00 last fall. Took it apart and cleaned it. Works great.

Post# 693085 , Reply# 7   7/30/2013 at 02:40 (4,014 days old) by PhilR (Quebec Canada)        

philr's profile picture

Here's another 1974 Frigidaire I saw yesterday on Craigslist.


It wasn't too far from me so I had to buy it!


It's huge for a 12600 BTU 115V unit!  33" long without the front panel, 18" tall and 26" wide... It weights almost 200 pounds!

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