Thread Number: 47530
Kelvinator Foodorama
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Post# 690162   7/17/2013 at 23:46 (4,027 days old) by bluejay (Havre de Grace, MD)        

bluejay's profile picture
This is the coolest fridge I've ever seen. I've seen a few restored ones as well; I love the idea of a breakfast bar. Such an awesome fridge. I know that these also had juice containers that went with them. This does appear to be missing those.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO bluejay's LINK on eBay

Post# 690296 , Reply# 1   7/18/2013 at 16:28 (4,026 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture

Lotta cash for one that needs work on the sealed system.

Post# 690319 , Reply# 2   7/18/2013 at 18:31 (4,026 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        
Do My....

danemodsandy's profile picture
....Eyes deceive me, or is this an oh-so-rare survival of Kelvy's Lagoon Blue color?

Post# 690335 , Reply# 3   7/18/2013 at 20:08 (4,026 days old) by NEWVISTA58 (Northern NJ)        
I love the early

newvista58's profile picture
Foodarama styling.

I had a '63 Foodarama 300.
They were squared off by that

But either way they are
beautiful Fridges.

Post# 690338 , Reply# 4   7/18/2013 at 20:47 (4,026 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        

danemodsandy's profile picture
I envy you having had a '63. That squared-off generation was the Foodarama that I love.

Post# 690341 , Reply# 5   7/18/2013 at 21:02 (4,026 days old) by NEWVISTA58 (Northern NJ)        
Yes It is Very Cool, too.

newvista58's profile picture
My friend now has it. I lost a
storage barn a few years ago.
The landlord wanted the building
back ASAP, to start a business in.

I had no time to make arrangements,
so the only thing I could do to
save the Appliances and other vintage
stuff, was to give it all away to friends.

My 1 friend took The Fridge, a 1963
Sears Visualite, 1959 Pink Lady Kenmore Dryer,
1960 Pink GE Stratoliner Range and a 50's
Turquoise & White Philco-Matic Wringer Washer.

I miss them but they have an excellent home.

I do hope,one day, to find another Wringer Washer that
is as cool as that Philco-Matic.

Post# 691217 , Reply# 6   7/22/2013 at 17:54 (4,022 days old) by CircleW (NE Cincinnati OH area)        

I'm thinking the same, that this is the Lagoon Blue color.

Post# 691253 , Reply# 7   7/22/2013 at 22:00 (4,022 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

Sellers on eBay and CL don't always know what they have (as in describing a GE item as a Whirlpool) but in this case, I believe the heading on the listing is spot-on with Lagoon Blue.


Somebody liked this fridge enough to pay $1,000 for it, so one would hope it's safe to say the fridge found a good home.

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