Thread Number: 47578
Norge Avocado
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Post# 690898   7/21/2013 at 08:26 (4,102 days old) by oldskool (Kansas City, MO)        

I haven't seen one of these before.  Any interest?

CLICK HERE TO GO TO oldskool's LINK on Mattoon Craigslist

Post# 690901 , Reply# 1   7/21/2013 at 08:41 (4,102 days old) by polkanut (Wausau, WI )        

polkanut's profile picture

Please post items for sale in the Shoppers Square section.

Post# 690930 , Reply# 2   7/21/2013 at 11:33 (4,102 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        
I would

LOVE to find a white one, these are the ones that anytime a unit is on, the whole backsplash lights up.

Post# 690950 , Reply# 3   7/21/2013 at 14:06 (4,102 days old) by oldskool (Kansas City, MO)        

Please move to Shoppers Square - sorry!

Post# 690968 , Reply# 4   7/21/2013 at 16:20 (4,102 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

That oven is amazingly clean. I remember these being in the Appliance Department at Rich's, mostly in White, though. There were never as many Norge ranges as GE although there were Norge gas ones. In the 70s, they also started selling Caloric gas ranges which looked so great with the stainless steel burner grates that turned purple after the flame hit them, much to the new owners' consternation.

Post# 691083 , Reply# 5   7/22/2013 at 01:47 (4,102 days old) by xpanam (Palm Springs California )        

xpanam's profile picture
It seams like all the electric ranges had more style, than there gas counterparts.

Post# 691129 , Reply# 6   7/22/2013 at 09:35 (4,101 days old) by oldskool (Kansas City, MO)        
What Width? you think this is?  36" or 40"?  It's really nice.  The print on the window is interesting.  My kitchen will only accomodate a 30" at this time, but when I renovate - I'd like to come up with a plan that would be flexible enough to allow width options for stoves - so they could be changed out periodically. 

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