Thread Number: 47580
WTB: CHROME Dormeyer Mixer Turntable
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Post# 690915   7/21/2013 at 09:59 (4,153 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        

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Hello everyone -

My beloved Dormeyer Princess Mixer (a gift from our equally beloved Mixfinder Kelly), has come a long way since I got it - it now has a new handle to replace a cracked one, and a correct Dormeyer cord to replace an aftermarket cord.

But one part is still not just right, and just right is what I'm after, so here goes: I am looking for a chrome turntable (the part the bowl sits on, allowing the bowl to rotate), exactly like the one in the photo below. I have one in black (Thanks, Turquoisedude Paul!), so I can use the mixer, but I'm looking for the chrome one the mixer would have come with. If you will look, this turntable has ridges in it - this is the exact one I'm looking for. Dormeyer also made a turntable that was flat, with no ridges - that one will NOT work with the Princess. Been there, done that, wasted money.

Do any of our mixerheads possibly have one of these in a parts stash? I'd be forever grateful.

Post# 690917 , Reply# 1   7/21/2013 at 10:25 (4,153 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        
Incorrect Flat Turntable:

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Just so's you can see the difference, here's a flat turntable - this one will not work with the Princess, if the mixer has the optional stainless bowls, which mine has. The flat one only works with the glass bowls, like the one shown; you had to get the ridged turntable if you bought the stainless bowls:

This post was last edited 07/21/2013 at 14:33
Post# 691021 , Reply# 2   7/21/2013 at 20:16 (4,152 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        
I had

Forgotten that, if you use the flat one the bowl wont turn!!

Post# 691322 , Reply# 3   7/23/2013 at 05:50 (4,151 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        

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It has to do with the foot on the stainless bowls as opposed to the glass ones.

I wish I'd known it before I bought an entire parts mixer (plus shipping) just to get a chrome turntable - it had the flat one. I was familiar with the flat turntable from my mother's Mixwell, which was the white-painted version of the Princess. That machine had the glass bowls, which worked fine with the flat turntable. But the stainless bowls are a whole 'nother beast.

Live - and pay - and learn.

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