Thread Number: 47585
Most expensive Easy washer in the world....
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Post# 691023   7/21/2013 at 20:25 (4,023 days old) by packardmanken (atlanta ga)        

I ran up on this easy spindrier. They seem to be very proud of it!!

CLICK HERE TO GO TO packardmanken's LINK on Detroit Craigslist

Post# 691056 , Reply# 1   7/21/2013 at 22:33 (4,022 days old) by ultramatic (New York City)        

ultramatic's profile picture

Does the price include all that "antique vintage" masking tape?

Post# 691057 , Reply# 2   7/21/2013 at 22:34 (4,022 days old) by arbilab (Ft Worth TX (Ridglea))        

arbilab's profile picture
Well it DOES have all 4 of its knobs and we almost never see that. Cabinet a little rough, bakelite spiralator with the hub missing. But he doesn't even say if it works.

Post# 691062 , Reply# 3   7/21/2013 at 22:51 (4,022 days old) by toploader55 (Massachusetts Sand Bar, Cape Cod)        

toploader55's profile picture
It doesn't have the DeLuxe Center " Needle Rinse Cone".

For a Grand ... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmph.........

Not so Much,

Post# 691067 , Reply# 4   7/21/2013 at 23:24 (4,022 days old) by whirlykenmore78 (Prior Lake MN (GMT-0500 CDT.))        
Spindryer WRINGER washer?

whirlykenmore78's profile picture

I did not see a wringer.  Of course this machine does not need one.  LOL!


Post# 691071 , Reply# 5   7/21/2013 at 23:39 (4,022 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
Yeah, but

mickeyd's profile picture
You guys forgot about the "built in wringer." That's easily worth a grand.

The deep aqua is pretty, but without at least a fill faucet, the power flush rinse is a real chore, and as Eddie pointed out, the spray rinse is impossible.

Hey, this is from Detroit's Craig-list--maybe they're trying to help ease the bankruptcy. There was talk about selling off some antiques, (chuckle).

Post# 691486 , Reply# 6   7/23/2013 at 22:37 (4,020 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
For Easyophiles and Easy Neophytes

mickeyd's profile picture
What's so odd about this machine is that the most common BOL Easy Spin had no faucets and no spin cone just like this one, but the BOL normally has only three slider levers: Wash, Spin and only one Drain control along the bottom of the panel for the wash tub. The spinner drain port is always open unless you turn a twist valve on the drain hose to block the flow.

It is unusual to see all four levers, including the drain control for the spinner, on a BOL model, but as we've come to expect from Kenmore's, strange exceptions turn up all the time.

Still love the color of the control panel, but for a grand, I'd want a piano, too.

PS: There is also a model with both faucets, a needle spray rinse cone, but still only three sliders, and a valve on the faucet. The valved faucet looks pretty cool. Have only seen it in pix, never in the flesh.

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