Thread Number: 47596
1950's Pink Hotpoint Dishwasher
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Post# 691120   7/22/2013 at 09:17 (4,155 days old) by Jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        

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A little gem I picked up for $150 this year. In great low use shape, still has the sticker on the detergent dispenser! There are some chips on the winged propeller. Outside cabinet is mint.



Post# 691122 , Reply# 1   7/22/2013 at 09:19 (4,155 days old) by Jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
Interior shot

jetcone's profile picture

I was going to put a window in it like Robert's machines, but the rack system doesn't allow for that.


Post# 691134 , Reply# 2   7/22/2013 at 09:57 (4,155 days old) by turquoisedude (.)        

turquoisedude's profile picture
Jon, I want this... If you've had any other takers, please add me to the wait list!! If not, well, hell it's high time I visit Boston!! LOL

Post# 691137 , Reply# 3   7/22/2013 at 10:03 (4,155 days old) by ovrphil (N.Atlanta / Georgia )        

ovrphil's profile picture
I probably sound like a parrot, but that's beautiful - reminds me of the old cars of the years, too - the emblem. Reversible Roll-R-Rack (?)

Post# 691161 , Reply# 4   7/22/2013 at 12:40 (4,155 days old) by Jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        

jetcone's profile picture

to the man with the Turquoise fetish!!


Post# 691162 , Reply# 5   7/22/2013 at 12:59 (4,155 days old) by turquoisedude (.)        

turquoisedude's profile picture
YAY!! Thanks Jon!! I have been after a Hotpoint front-load impeller machine for some time now - the fact that this one is a 24-inch model is the icing on the cake for me. I'm planning the trip down now.... LOL

Post# 691758 , Reply# 6   7/24/2013 at 20:31 (4,153 days old) by 1952Crestwood ()        

Ahhh, a fellow 56-58 Hotpoint DW owner!! Looks like a great machine, Turquoisedude. Speaking as a fan of the Hotpoints of this general style, I think it's a nice gem in your collection.

More experienced members might be able to say for sure, but from all I've seen and pieced together, this looks like a beautiful mid-level 1956-57 unit. My pink one is a 58 Spot-less Deluxe which (according to the brochure on here) was the mid-line for '58 (Roll-R-Rack, Rinse Agent Dispenser, Large corner silverware cup, and chrome accents on the indicator/dial) with a completely different TOL unit, and a BOL that looks like yours outside but without the nice Roll-R-Rack. I think the Spot-less Deluxe in '57 were the TOL with yours as the MOL and the old style stacking upper rack unit as the BOL. Is this correct???

I am SO happy that you got this unit and that it's been so beautifully preserved all these years. I see you still have the red plastic start button. That's great because I heard somewhere that those tend to fall off or break over the years. Mine is kind of odd in that it has a small metal stem type button in a recessed well instead of the red button.

Didn't see anyone answer Ovrphl's (?) about the Reversible Roll-R-Rack so I'll chime in on that. The Roll-R-Rack part speaks for itself as it gave us the roll out top rack versus the former Hotpoint design where the upper rack sat down on top of the rolling lower rack.

The "Reversible" part of that comes from the wire part of the rack being removable from the silver rolling frame. Turned one way (front to back) you can load the top with taller glassware because the rack sits lower in the frame to allow for it (and in that position you get a little less height in the lower rack for like extra large dinner plates or platters). Take the rack out, turn it (back to front) and it rests in the frame on different supports so that it's raised in the frame for shorter items up top and room for larger plates, platters or pots and pans below. I've always found that to be one of the neatest features of these, along with the circular racking position for the plates.

In the pics below, the first one shows the rack in the raised position (bottom of the wire rack up higher behind the frame/handle) for the larger items below. Second pic shows how I reversed it and how you can see it sitting lower in the frame by the bottom of the wire rack showing below the frame, thus giving more room up top.

Again, Turquoisedude.......great buy and a sweet unit.

Post# 691759 , Reply# 7   7/24/2013 at 20:33 (4,153 days old) by 1952Crestwood ()        
Second pic...

Shows the rack in the reversed position with it's little bottom sticking out from under the frame/handle.

Post# 691768 , Reply# 8   7/24/2013 at 20:56 (4,153 days old) by ovrphil (N.Atlanta / Georgia )        

ovrphil's profile picture
1952Crestwood - thanks! It's kind of subtle, really...but apparently useful for some people's dishes.

Thanks again for picking up the question...I wonder how the roll-r-rack idea worked for sales...nevermind, I'll end up in mammoth cave eventually.

Post# 691772 , Reply# 9   7/24/2013 at 21:02 (4,153 days old) by 1952Crestwood ()        
Roll R Rack idea survived of course.....

but I think the Reversible part disappeared in the TOL model (in '58) and stayed away, so I suppose they either got a better idea or (like you surmised) not many people needed that small flexibility. I figure the rolling upper rack idea was a huge sales booster (along with the sales push by Harriet Nelson on "Ozzie & Harriet") as it's sure better than lifting a full upper rack on and off the counter/lower rack like the older and lower series units required.

Post# 691830 , Reply# 10   7/25/2013 at 06:09 (4,153 days old) by turquoisedude (.)        
Thank you 1952Crestwood!!

turquoisedude's profile picture
I was wondering what the 'reversible' part of the upper rack was all about - This sounds very interesting indeed because I have a set of vintage dinnerware with huge plates! Thank you also for the background on the nuances between the MOL and TOL models - again, I had always wondered why some models had the spots-away dispenser and the silverware basket in the corner. I just thought that was a model-year thing.

I can't wait to get this one home and play with it. And I hope you don't mind if I load it up with an assortment of multi-hue melamine like you did with yours!! That looks soooo 50s!

Oh, and if you ever need parts for yours, Larry at Modern Parts in Parma, Ohio has a good number of NOS parts for the pumps and motors for these machines.

Post# 691846 , Reply# 11   7/25/2013 at 08:18 (4,152 days old) by william637 (Damp pants? Not a chance. )        
add one more hotpoint owner to the club

william637's profile picture
I just picked up this machine last night. The picture is from the craiglist ad where it was sold. Beautiful house - top of the line for the 1950's. But the owner said "the kitchen is just too Donna Reid...over here at one end of the house....I have to open everything up so I can see everything from the kitchen".

What a waste of a very well done architectural gem. Oh well, at least I got the machine. Planning on working with it when I get back from the wash-in.

Post# 691889 , Reply# 12   7/25/2013 at 11:32 (4,152 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

The older rack that sat on the corners of the lower rack did not have to be completely removed for loading access to the lower rack. There was a liftout center section of the top rack that gave access to the lower rack, much like the top load GE dishwashers of the early 50s.

This one looks like it has a different timer dial than the deep-dish design of most.

Post# 692957 , Reply# 13   7/29/2013 at 17:01 (4,148 days old) by 1952Crestwood ()        

That is a wonderful find!!! Hard to tell from the small picture but that one appears to be the exact same 1956-57 Spot-less Deluxe model that my late Aunt had in her house, except her's was white. Her's was the one that inspired my love for these units. I love my pink one, but I would love to find one with the badging on the vent over the door (like yours). I would love to see lots of pics of your new find when you get it home and photo ready!. It's doing my heart good to see all these lovely Hotpoint Dishwashers.

Post# 692960 , Reply# 14   7/29/2013 at 17:16 (4,148 days old) by 1952Crestwood ()        

Imitation is the highest form of flattery! Please post pics of your Hotpoint all racked up with your dishes. Thanks for the suggestion on parts sources. Attached is a close up of my lighted indicator dial. This is the old one that was broken but I have a new one all ready to go in once I have the unit installed in my future home someday.

Post# 692963 , Reply# 15   7/29/2013 at 17:19 (4,148 days old) by 1952Crestwood ()        
And the different start button.

Mine is the only one I've seen thus far with this versus the big red button.

BTW. Thanks for the clarification on the older racking system, Tomturbomatic! Not as cumbersome as I thought but the Roll-R-Rack was sure an improvement wasn't it?

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