Thread Number: 476
The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio
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Post# 48865   11/8/2004 at 22:19 (7,399 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
Well the '55 Westinghouse Laundromat set is home and washing again after some transportation repairs (all mechanical and quite a few I might ad) were needed. The movie is called "The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio" which should probably be out next year.

For you Laundromat enjoyment...

Right Click on the video link and save target as (2.0mb)


Post# 48866 , Reply# 1   11/8/2004 at 22:23 (7,399 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
Excellent video! I'm glad to see it's home and happily washing again!

Post# 48867 , Reply# 2   11/8/2004 at 22:29 (7,399 days old) by westytoploader ()        
You can be SURE if it's Westinghouse!

Wow, great video! Slant-front Westys are the best; sure beats the Frigemores on the entertainment scale! A vintage slant-front Laundromat is my second most wanted FL machine, besides the 18 lb. Norge.

The action is a little slower than what I usually see, but still very splashy and sudsy! Guess I'm just used to a Bendix! :)

Aren't the surprise videos great? Keep 'em coming!


Post# 48868 , Reply# 3   11/8/2004 at 22:34 (7,399 days old) by westytoploader ()        

This movie will definitely be a must-see! I looked at it and already want to buy the book! Can't wait!

Post# 48870 , Reply# 4   11/8/2004 at 23:04 (7,399 days old) by golittlesport (California)        

golittlesport's profile picture
glad they're home safe and those machines

Post# 48874 , Reply# 5   11/9/2004 at 04:52 (7,398 days old) by programcomputer (Ann Arbor Michigan, USA)        
Were they used in the movie???

programcomputer's profile picture

I was just wondering...were they used in the movie, or just as props. I think that seeing one of your vintage machines ACTUALLY being used in the movie would just be fantastic. And sending them possibly a sample of vintage detergent for added enjoyment would be neat as well.

Anyway...just thought I would ask....

Hey I have a question...when will the 58's Laundromat with Dash commercial be in the video section?


Post# 48876 , Reply# 6   11/9/2004 at 05:22 (7,398 days old) by drmitch ()        
Entertainment Tonight

These were more fun to watch than TV. Great clip!

Post# 48881 , Reply# 7   11/9/2004 at 08:43 (7,398 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
Hi Chad, no they were just props, but I was told they were seen quite a bit in the movie.

Actually I had not planned on posting the commercial from the Wizard DVD in the video library, at least not for some time yet.

Post# 48892 , Reply# 8   11/9/2004 at 10:18 (7,398 days old) by Brent-Aucoin ()        
Thanks Robert!

What a way to start the work day!

Post# 48909 , Reply# 9   11/9/2004 at 13:01 (7,398 days old) by gregm ()        
thank you

congrads and thanks for sharing .........

Post# 48926 , Reply# 10   11/9/2004 at 16:10 (7,398 days old) by laundramatt (Youngstown, Ohio)        
Thanks Robert!

Wow, that Westinghouse Laundromat is a star! Do you think I can get this washer's autograph?

Post# 48945 , Reply# 11   11/9/2004 at 19:17 (7,398 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
and to think I've used a machine that had star quality. sigh!!!

Post# 48962 , Reply# 12   11/10/2004 at 03:52 (7,397 days old) by programcomputer (Ann Arbor Michigan, USA)        

programcomputer's profile picture

Thanks for the reply. I just think that it would be so interesting to actually see some of these "retro" movies using the actual props besides just sitting there for looks.

In most of these stlye movies, they use the cars from he period, and so what about the appliances...just my HO.

Anyway I did download the clip and your machines are absolutly stunning in every way. The rollover action of these beauties makes todays machines seem like their nothing more than glorified cement mixers.

Anyway I will be scoping out the movie when it's released....


Post# 48967 , Reply# 13   11/10/2004 at 06:08 (7,397 days old) by WASHENDRY (pinconning,mich)        


Post# 48969 , Reply# 14   11/10/2004 at 08:28 (7,397 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
Hi Kim, my machine is an L-8, which is a 1955 model, the L-9 was a 1956 model, L-5 was the 1949-1952 Model. I'm not sure when an L-3 is from exactly, but maybe someone out there has some service info with a more detailed date on you L-3.

Post# 49011 , Reply# 15   11/10/2004 at 21:45 (7,397 days old) by WASHENDRY (pinconning,mich)        
L-8M not L-5M sorry

Hi Robert,
Thanks for the reply, my machine is an L-8M with matching
D-8M Electric Dryer, both have worked well for me, I currently using my 1957 Philco Bendix Duomatic, I'm also trying to talk my aunt out of her 1964 Philco top loader, its in her basement, doesn't work and she can't understand why I'd
want that old machine, I hope she weakens sooon.

Post# 49012 , Reply# 16   11/10/2004 at 22:03 (7,397 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
Hi Kim, that means your Laundromat is a 1955 model. You should work on your Aunt to get that Philco, it is very rare to say the least. It would be a wonderful addition to any collection.

Post# 49035 , Reply# 17   11/11/2004 at 15:05 (7,396 days old) by veg-o-matic (Baltimore, Hon!)        
Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio--the book!

veg-o-matic's profile picture
Hi, all:
Out of curiosity, I got the book yesterday (same title as the movie) and started reading it last night. I'm only about 1/3 of the way through, but early on, the mother wins a Wizard washer/dryer pair, not Westinghouse. Top loading, too. The story about how she used to light the pilot is hilarious.
Well, given the mother's record, maybe she wins the Westy pair, too.
For those who haven't got the book: true story of the mother of 10 kids who manages to support the family by winning contests. Abusive/alcoholic husband/father, too. It's well written and thoroughly engaging; give it a read. Can't wait for the movie!

Post# 49472 , Reply# 18   11/18/2004 at 20:51 (7,389 days old) by alr2903 (TN)        
great vid

thanks Robert glad they are home safe and sound again. alr2903

Post# 49505 , Reply# 19   11/19/2004 at 14:55 (7,388 days old) by christfr (st louis mo)        
my L5

christfr's profile picture
hey guys i have not only a question but first i want to say i love watching that video it lets me see what my laundromat is supposed to be doing. the L5 that i have here is giving me trouble and i cant figure out whats wrong. the day i got it i could tell the timer was shot but if i manually advanced it every thing would work. i filled it with water and a small load and off she went. she washed and drained and spun out like a good girl should. but then she sprung a big leak and the door boot needed to be replaced. so apart the machine came. got her all back together and found the speed changer was totally dry. i tried several types of oil till i found one heavy enough to keep the changer cool. so i thought all was fine. the machine will run a full cycle when dry but as soon as i put water in the drum and put the machine under a load the motor will kick off. i cant seem to get past this point. the belts have good tension and the timer is new nothing is binding. who out there is a laundromat wiz ??? i am out of ideas and would reall love some advice. thanks lots and lots chris

Post# 49513 , Reply# 20   11/19/2004 at 15:53 (7,388 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        
Hypoid Gear Oil

unimatic1140's profile picture
Hi Chris, make sure you using Hypoid Style Gear oil. I used it in my speed changer and it works great. The oil you are using is probably not made for Hypoid gears like the ones in the speed changer.

Next make sure neither one of the two belts are too tight and there could be a problem with the motor protector cutting out too soon.

Post# 49574 , Reply# 21   11/20/2004 at 09:44 (7,387 days old) by Jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        

jetcone's profile picture
Chris, like I have said before, also check to see you havent' overtightened the motor bolt that holds the pump body. If you have too tight bolts on any of the 4 bolts then Westinghouse motors will quickly overheat and shut down. This was the problem with my L8, the prior owner threw it out right after a pump change because it would shut off right after the tub filled with water.

Post# 49578 , Reply# 22   11/20/2004 at 10:27 (7,387 days old) by christfr (st louis mo)        

christfr's profile picture
thanks for the advice !!! i will give these things a check and try come next weekend. will give me something to do while the bird is in the oven. once again thanks again so much.

Post# 50044 , Reply# 23   11/28/2004 at 14:46 (7,379 days old) by christfr (st louis mo)        
well i tried

christfr's profile picture
well i changed the oil and played with the belt tension. i have adjusted the belts every way i can think of with no luck. i checked the screws that hold the pump and the mounts for the motor. the best i can get it to do is run just about 30 seconds longer that it was doing. any more ideas?

Post# 50057 , Reply# 24   11/28/2004 at 19:11 (7,379 days old) by 60skelvinator ()        
Great video!

Looks Great! (Love that 1950s styling)!!!

Post# 50104 , Reply# 25   11/29/2004 at 05:38 (7,378 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
motor stopping

does the motor start up again after cooling down? I acquired a later FL Westy (theone with a regular console on top) and it turns out that for some reason the wiring that went into the thermal cutoff in the motor had been reduced to only about 3-4 of the strands of wire. These would get hot and trigger the thermal cutoff switch.

Post# 50121 , Reply# 26   11/29/2004 at 16:24 (7,378 days old) by christfr (st louis mo)        
motor stoping

christfr's profile picture
the machine will not restart by itself. you have to pull the timer know out again for it to start again. the odd thing is that the motor will kick off but it is not hot the touch. i am so out of ideas its not funny

Post# 50123 , Reply# 27   11/29/2004 at 16:36 (7,378 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
Sounds like you need a new timer, the motor protector is built into the timer in these slant front washers and it appears to be defective.

Post# 50128 , Reply# 28   11/29/2004 at 18:09 (7,378 days old) by christfr (st louis mo)        

christfr's profile picture
i had replaced the timer with one for midwest. i still have the orig timer. i had wondered if maybe that was the problem or maybe i had a wire crossed. but im sure i didnt cross any wires. the orig timer worked fine except the tiny motor that advances it was shot. is there a way to change that tiny motor from the rebuilt timer to the orig timer. has anyone done that before. if so ill give that a shot.

Post# 50142 , Reply# 29   11/29/2004 at 20:37 (7,378 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
Yes I do that all the time, you can simply switch the timer motor. I'm pretty sure this will clear up your problem.

Post# 50319 , Reply# 30   12/2/2004 at 00:34 (7,376 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
timer integral motor protector

I've never heard of a motor protector being built into the timer, everyone I've seen is either totally separate i.e. Frigidaire, or built into the motor itself. You learn something new all the time.
Ah, the fascination of mechanical things....

Post# 50432 , Reply# 31   12/4/2004 at 14:51 (7,373 days old) by christfr (st louis mo)        
still no luck

christfr's profile picture
ok here we go again. i put the orig timer back in to the machine after replacing its little elec motor adj the belts and still the same problem. the machine will run fine dry but will not stay running under any load. would a bad changer cause this or maybe the motor is on its last leg? when the machine has water in it and is trying to turn it slows down to what i think is its proper speed and now the motor starts clicking and the timer kicks off. if it will stay running long enough the motor will get hot to the touch. i checked the wiring to what it says in the service manual and it all looks like its correct. could the motor just not be strong enough anymore?

Post# 50433 , Reply# 32   12/4/2004 at 15:28 (7,373 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)        

I may have asked this before, but are you using a long extension cord?

Post# 50438 , Reply# 33   12/4/2004 at 17:40 (7,373 days old) by christfr (st louis mo)        
no cord

christfr's profile picture
no actually the orig cord had been repaired so i replaced it.
and plug it into the wall. im wondering if either the motor is going bad and cant take the load or the changer has something to do with it. but the drum turns freely nothing binding. im just at a loss

Post# 50442 , Reply# 34   12/4/2004 at 18:11 (7,373 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)        

Sounds like a weak motor. You could put an ammeter around one of the wires to the motor to see how much current it draws b4 it kicks off. Compare that to the current draw on the model tag.
I had a maytag washer motor that would click on and off when starting in spin with a full tub of water on SLOW speed. Changed the motor and it was fine.

Post# 50470 , Reply# 35   12/5/2004 at 12:33 (7,372 days old) by christfr (st louis mo)        
cant hurt

christfr's profile picture
well i guess thats the next step. i guess it cant hurt. i have put enough time and money into this one to stop now. ha ha i want so much to get this one up and running. its my fav machine and the one that has given me the most trouble. well that is until i tear into the wo-65 later in the month. thanks for all the advice and help chris

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