Thread Number: 47600
NORGE - electric dryer - $75 (fresno)
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Post# 691141   7/22/2013 at 10:16 (4,022 days old) by ovrphil (N.Atlanta / Georgia )        

ovrphil's profile picture
Its a Signature washer...blowup blurry - sorry.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO ovrphil's LINK on Fresno Craigslist

Post# 693094 , Reply# 1   7/30/2013 at 05:21 (4,014 days old) by Kenmoreguy89 (Valenza Piemonte, Italy- Soon to be US immigrant.)        

kenmoreguy89's profile picture

Looks like they increased the price to $100! Ah ah! Worth no more than the half....IMO.

Post# 693110 , Reply# 2   7/30/2013 at 07:36 (4,014 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Norge Electric Dryer

combo52's profile picture

I would say it is not worth more than $6 which is about the scrap value.

Post# 693290 , Reply# 3   7/30/2013 at 18:28 (4,014 days old) by CircleW (NE Cincinnati OH area)        

Knew two people who had versions of this dryer. One was branded Crosley, the other Magic Chef. Neither of them like the machines.

Post# 693299 , Reply# 4   7/30/2013 at 19:22 (4,014 days old) by rockland1 ()        
Norge Magic Chef

I had a Magic Chef version of this Norge dryer. It was OK. Huge Capacity. At least
the price was right. I got it free in a sales contest!

Post# 693337 , Reply# 5   7/30/2013 at 22:26 (4,014 days old) by ovrphil (N.Atlanta / Georgia )        

ovrphil's profile picture
The list of lemons, I seem to find unassisted.

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