Thread Number: 47667
Big Honkin' Westinghouse
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Post# 692056   7/26/2013 at 09:30 (4,217 days old) by pulltostart (A Red State)        

Atlanta, GA



CLICK HERE TO GO TO pulltostart's LINK on Atlanta Craigslist

Post# 692065 , Reply# 1   7/26/2013 at 10:28 (4,217 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

My Heavens! I remember when the Home Ec dept at my high school got two of these and one of the TOL double oven ranges. I have the 30" slightly more deluxe model. It dates from the 1965 model year. There was an almost new 40" TOL for sale near Hagerstown, MD a year or two ago and then this one, but I have not seen many of the 1965 year models turn up. The plug out units were powerful; 1600 watt 6" units and 2600 watt 8" units. It featured what WH called 1001 heat settings with infinite controls going from 100% heat on High, then down from 99% on down to OFF. The oval window for each switch featured a red band that slowly tapered down from red filling the window to finally just a fine thread of red at the bottom on the lowest setting. Midway or about 5 was half heat which is medium high on electric units so there was a whole lot of territory between high and 5 for fine tuning high heat operations like keeping large amounts of water boiling but not boiling over, like for pasta. For most cooking it was wasted territory. WH ovens were heavily insulated in these years before self cleaning ovens, even the doors. As the ad says, when you turned on a surface unit, the fluorescent light came on to illuminate the controls. Mine has a selector switch to have the light come on automatically with the surface unit switches, be on all the time or be off all the time.

Post# 692318 , Reply# 2   7/27/2013 at 20:09 (4,216 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        

Simply fantastic, but I hope they have not thrown away the drip pans and rings, because you will be hard pressed to find new ones!! I love it!

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