Thread Number: 47669
Maytag TA702 and Matching Dryer in Van Nuys California!
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Post# 692076   7/26/2013 at 12:18 (4,018 days old) by d-jones (Western Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh Area))        

d-jones's profile picture

But the seller is asking $2499.99 for them! Holly overpriced appliances Bat Man! At this price can anyone legitimately say they're really for sale? Even at half that figure they'd be grossly overpriced. Now the listing does have that little "make offer" button, so if anyone wants to give their negotiating skills a work out and try talking this guy down out of the clouds, by all means have at it. But this listing is posted here for its entertainment value more than anything else, and since you don't see this color all that often perhaps a few of you will want to visit the listing just to gawk at the pretty pictures. They are rather nice looking machines after all. Then again, perhaps someone here has far more money than sense and finds the asking price to be a mere pittance, in which case I would happily accept a small donation to my bank account as a token of gratitude for my assistance in uniting you with that cherished set of turquoise Maytag's that you just can't live without.Wink 

CLICK HERE TO GO TO d-jones's LINK on eBay

This post was last edited 07/26/2013 at 12:36

Post# 692089 , Reply# 1   7/26/2013 at 13:32 (4,018 days old) by boboh1 (California)        

I was so excited when I caught sight of these on e-Pay but then looked at the asking price. These are beautiful and would love to have them but he must be insane. Out of his mind. He does not even say if they work well or not. I am going to send him an offer and see what happens. Maybe he will have taken his meds and be more reasonable.What would be a fair price for this nice set?

Post# 692090 , Reply# 2   7/26/2013 at 13:39 (4,018 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        

swestoyz's profile picture

This set reminds me of the infamous pink set that was for sale in Florida, eons ago. 


The cabinets aren't in tip-top shape on this set.  I've got an almost identical washer, in similar shape (and works!) for sale, but at a much more realistic price.  LOL



Post# 692096 , Reply# 3   7/26/2013 at 14:27 (4,018 days old) by d-jones (Western Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh Area))        
Hi Robert!

d-jones's profile picture

And welcome to AW. I believe most folks wouldn't find this set tempting until it got down to the $350.00 and under range, but opinions vary. In looking over the photos the cabinets look straight and the chrome seems to be in reasonable condition. It's also nice to see that the dryer door gasket looks like it's still usable and the black rubber gaskets that sit between the control panel dog house and the top panels are still present.(They sometimes go missing when people remove that panel for maintenance) The washer still has its Bakelite agitator and the lid isn't rusted in the forward corners as they so often are. The only visible flaws are faded and scratched up paint, and the missing copper toned center caps for both control knobs. In other words, nothing major. But I'd still want to learn more about the working condition of both machines and I'd especially like to know whether or not the three solenoid Dole water valve is still present on the washer. Those blasted things are darn near impossible to find without a great deal of persistence and a big stroke of luck.


I think Ben is on to something with regard to the legendary pink Maytag's from Florida. When I picked up the pink set in Spokane for Kevin, the seller was well aware of that Florida sets sale price, and it definitely influenced his initial asking price. Fortunately, Kevin was able to negotiate them down to a more realistic figure and a deal was made. That being said, I have this set in yellow. I paid two hundred dollars and a trip to Chico and back for them, and I wouldn't  dream of trading them for this pair. So now you know where I would value them.

Post# 692102 , Reply# 4   7/26/2013 at 15:34 (4,018 days old) by boboh1 (California)        
Thank You

Thanks for the input. I asked the seller about them and if they worked, this is what he wrote me:
Yes - was told there operational - I plugged both units in + they operate + both panels light up ( have not hooked them up to gas or water)

Does not like a complete endorsement. I have a very nice white Kenmore gas dryer from early 1960s, maybe I should just stuck to finding a close matching washer for that instead. Sure like this set though and I could pick them up.

Post# 692103 , Reply# 5   7/26/2013 at 15:40 (4,018 days old) by RevvinKevin (Tinseltown - Shakey Town - La-La Land)        

revvinkevin's profile picture



Hi Robert, welcome... also!


What part of CA are you in?   Anywhere near the SF Valley?




P.S.... boy David, you sure are hung up on those water valves.... LOL  Cool


P.S.S.... These do look to mostly complete and in generally good condition, but that pink is in nearly perfect condition.   These look to have a lot of dirt or perhaps some rust between the cabinets and the top.   I would really like to know how well these function and sound, even w/o being connected to water and gas.


P.S.S.S.... I would be seriously pusuing these if the price were not so obsurd.


Post# 692108 , Reply# 6   7/26/2013 at 16:14 (4,018 days old) by boboh1 (California)        

I am in Claremont,CA so not super far, right off the 210. I would be considering these too, but not at this price and the guy never even tried them as far as hooking them up and running a cycle through them.

Post# 692116 , Reply# 7   7/26/2013 at 16:55 (4,018 days old) by Kenmore71 (Minneapolis, MN)        

kenmore71's profile picture

Ben, but as I recall, your turquoise washer DOES NOT have the original WASHER in the cabinet.... 

Post# 692143 , Reply# 8   7/26/2013 at 19:12 (4,018 days old) by bajaespuma (Connecticut)        
Everbody else is gouging, why not vintage appliance sellers?

bajaespuma's profile picture

There was a 1957 Pink Filter-Flo pair that went to one of our members in Fresno for over 5K several years ago. It was one of those rare collector's dreams-come-true: a mint NOS pair that sat on some elderly couple's front porch for over 50 years unused, because, for some reason or another, they just never got around to installing them. The sale occurred right before Messrs.' Bush and Cheney and their buddies destroyed the US economy to make the world safe for the top .5%, so maybe a 4-figure price won't be realized again for a while.


Like it or not, we are in the antiques market and if there's one thing I learned from my uncle and his partner, who ran an antique store on Second Avenue for many years in the Sixties, the price of any item is decided by the market collectors create for it. Remember the Dutch and their tulips in the 18th (17th??) century. The world's first stock market and the world's first stock market crash.


I think a sale with an extraordinary price is sometimes good for the rest of us because news of it can get around and encourages other people to consider not just trashing old appliances. Having the good sense to save old treasures deserves some reward.

Post# 692167 , Reply# 9   7/26/2013 at 22:30 (4,017 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

If that standing pilot dryer was connected for any number of years, you are going to find a mess of rust and gooey wire insulation inside.

Post# 692178 , Reply# 10   7/27/2013 at 00:03 (4,017 days old) by d-jones (Western Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh Area))        

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While I can see the point you're making, it bears mentioning that the law of supply and demand determines prices, even in the antique market. Since most antiques that people collect are either able to be used for their intended purpose(think clocks, vases, furniture, etc....) or they're small enough to display on a shelf or in a curio cabinet, demand for these items remains fairly strong. But in spite of this fairly strong demand, the dramatic increase in supply brought about by the advent of eBay and other sites like it has hammered prices for such things pretty hard. Now to make things worse, the vast majority of people view vintage washers and dryers as junk. They think I'm nuts for buying the pair I have, and when I mention the pair I picked up for my parents it takes me twenty minutes of explanation before they can start to see the logic of it. Even then I'm sure they go off and tell their friends about the nutcase they had a conversation with that replaced an old washer with an even older one. I can't see that perception changing any time soon. Especially  since these same folks simply refuse to accept that a forty year old washer is still going to be usable for much longer, and if it can't be used they don't have the space or the inclination to display it. So though these vintage machines may technically be antiques, the only thing "antique" status does for them is make parts harder to find. Their value is still determined by the simple rule of supply and demand, and for the next ten years or more as baby boomers continue to downsize or pass away, and the stuff they had crammed away in the garage and basement continues to find its way into the market place, supply will continue to greatly exceed demand. There just aren't that many people looking for vintage washers and dryers. Of course when something unusual happens, like the discovery of a desirable pair of vintage NOS machines in a rare color, all bets are off as far as price goes. But that's also a result of supply and demand. The combination of rare and desirable machine, rare and desirable color, and extremely rare and desirable condition, would naturally increase demand and therefor price. But in the case of these Maytag's, we have common machines, rare color, and common condition. Hardly a justification for the price being asked. So while I can certainly appreciate your larger point about an increase in selling prices resulting in an increase in preservation, I still think $2499.99 for this pair is getting a bit carried away.

Post# 692230 , Reply# 11   7/27/2013 at 11:17 (4,017 days old) by rberryiii3 (Palm Springs, California)        
Crazy in California

Why are all the crazy's Maytag seller in California.  Remember the people in Indio  who wanted $ 1250.00 for a pink pair of Tags?





 Kevin theses would look goood at your place......LOL   Who cares that you have to keep these on the side walk in fornt of your house.

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