Thread Number: 47690
1960 GE Kitchen Buffalo Craigslist
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Post# 692297   7/27/2013 at 16:25 (4,192 days old) by moparwash (Pittsburgh,PA )        

moparwash's profile picture
This might of been posted before...but what a find!

CLICK HERE TO GO TO moparwash's LINK on Buffalo Craigslist

Post# 692306 , Reply# 1   7/27/2013 at 17:37 (4,192 days old) by pulltostart (A Red State)        

Bring on the smelling salts!!!



Post# 692308 , Reply# 2   7/27/2013 at 17:46 (4,192 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

The asking price may seem high, but you couldn't achieve such an authentic retro look with new cabinetry, counter tops and appliances for $5K today.  A "Big Chill" refrigerator alone would set you back that much.


The obvious problem is that this assemblage is designed to fit a particular layout, and would require some well-designed and crafted modifications to look original in a kitchen with even a moderately different floor plan. 


Since the price is negotiable, even if it's not a perfect fit, this grouping has the potential to provide someone with their dream kitchen.  My hat is off to the seller for not parting it out.

Post# 692320 , Reply# 3   7/27/2013 at 20:13 (4,192 days old) by retropia ()        

That is a very cool kitchen. It had to be top-of-the-line for its time.

Post# 692322 , Reply# 4   7/27/2013 at 20:22 (4,192 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        

danemodsandy's profile picture
That kitchen was top-of-the-line for its manufacturer, not its time.

GE's cabinetry was of good, solid quality, don't get me wrong, but once you'd been around Geneva or St. Charles stuff, you saw the difference. For a time, I had a St. Charles kitchen, and my mom had a Youngstown. Big difference. Big difference.

Post# 692348 , Reply# 5   7/27/2013 at 23:05 (4,192 days old) by toploader55 (Massachusetts Sand Bar, Cape Cod)        
OMG !!!

toploader55's profile picture
I might have to Shpongle !!!

Just beautiful.

Post# 692717 , Reply# 6   7/28/2013 at 19:24 (4,191 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
And it looks like it has a KitchenAid KD19 dishwasher.

Post# 692745 , Reply# 7   7/28/2013 at 21:25 (4,191 days old) by bajaespuma (Connecticut)        
Marie Barrone here,

bajaespuma's profile picture

I'd have entertained it if only the original dishwasher was part of the set. No insult to KitchenAid, but that dishwasher was probably an SU-70 or at least a turquoise Princess. I admire people who had the sense to buy and use those wonderful GE 2-burner units to their best advantage. Those people were cooks.

Post# 692755 , Reply# 8   7/28/2013 at 21:56 (4,191 days old) by classiccaprice (Hampton, Virginia)        

classiccaprice's profile picture

in a different life... sigh.. so pretty!

Post# 692829 , Reply# 9   7/29/2013 at 09:38 (4,190 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        
I love built-in clocks!

I wonder why they did not have panels custom painted for the KA. The two unit cooktops were a great idea if you had the counterspace to spread them out like that, although I would imagine you had to be very careful to avoid grease on the sliding doors above it. If you look closely, they were losing a lot of counter depth in that arrangement because those look like full depth base cabinets but then they stacked those semi goofy sliding door cabinets on top of them. Normally those cabinets with the sliding doors were used under the wall cabinets, BUT above the counter. I will admit that the spice storage right above the cooktop was convenient, but the location subjects them to extra heat even with the range hood which must have been a custom-built hood of high quality so it probably provided excellent ventilation.

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