Thread Number: 477
1963 Westinghouse POD...Last of the Slant front Westies...
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Post# 48873   11/9/2004 at 04:35 (7,329 days old) by programcomputer (Ann Arbor Michigan, USA)        

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The model under the machine shown in today's POD was a major catalyst as to why today I love vinage appliances so much. My grandfather bought my grandma the set on March 19. 1963 after their new house had been built.

Her washer was model # LBB30 and was trouble free until the motor died, in late 83; and he bought her a current Maytag set. My aunt had the dryer until 1990 when it too finally gave up the ghost, and was sent to the landfill.

I have this ad too in my laundry and look at it every time that I laod up my current Frigidaire. It is sad in a way that the basic body for my (NEW) machine was introduced in form in the following year 1964.

I feel that the slant front feature was Westinghouse's most visual trademark, besides the round or oval shaped look in window. And although the slanting mechanism went away after 1958, it still looked visually cool next to boxy machines of the time.

I have heard that Westinghouse was interested in changing the shape for more uniformity, and it also helped in tooling costs; especially due to the fact that in 64' they introduced the "Top Loading Laundromat". And in the 1964 brochure they stressed the built in look that the new flat front machines gave the consumer.

And of course the same basic mechanism, albeit somewhat cheapened continued until 1994-95 until WCI discontinued it for the present mechanism in 1997.

Anyway great POD too bad that Betty Furness wasn't still pitching that machine..but look at the campy 60's house wifey...

Post# 48875 , Reply# 1   11/9/2004 at 05:03 (7,329 days old) by programcomputer (Ann Arbor Michigan, USA)        
Oh yeah and my favorite Westy slogan is...

programcomputer's profile picture
Stop in to your Westinghouse dealer and look into a Laundromat...That's why we put a WINDOW in there!!!

Post# 48899 , Reply# 2   11/9/2004 at 10:59 (7,329 days old) by tecnopolis (Ocala/Dunnellon, Florida 34481)        

tecnopolis's profile picture
Soo sad they are gone~! This pair is prob my fav.

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