Thread Number: 47733
GE Americana Dryer
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Post# 692972   7/29/2013 at 17:57 (4,147 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
these would be standard capacity I believe for that time frame.....

for sale....100.00

CLICK HERE TO GO TO Yogitunes's LINK on Lancaster Craigslist

Post# 692977 , Reply# 1   7/29/2013 at 18:12 (4,147 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

That is a hell of a lot of money to be asking for an early 70s dryer. Granted, it has a fluorescent light, but still. I guess the fact that a flea market is selling it explains the price strategy.

Post# 692993 , Reply# 2   7/29/2013 at 18:39 (4,147 days old) by bajaespuma (Connecticut)        

bajaespuma's profile picture

We owned this dryer for about 4 years. It was, by far, the fastest, most accurate dryer I've ever used. Probably not worth 100 dollars now, but if it's in good condition, not that far off.


The matching washer, which I picked out, a wonderful appliance with lots of bells and whistles (best bleach and fabric softener dispensers, and a cool powdered detergent gizmo) to beat the band, was a disappointment. Mostly because of the badly designed Straight-8 Activator and a spline that wasn't well installed so the machine "squawked" loudly during agitation. It replaced a 1958 Unimatic so the spin was lame compared to its predecessor as well.

Post# 692997 , Reply# 3   7/29/2013 at 18:45 (4,147 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
yeah, that price seemed a bit steep for me as well......

that bottom panel though.....was that a snap-on feature, or just exclusive to the Americanas....usually the kickplate was recessed....

Post# 693018 , Reply# 4   7/29/2013 at 20:12 (4,147 days old) by DigAPony ()        
That is a hell of a lot of money to be asking

Thats about the going asking price for nice 70's GE dryers in these parts.

Unfortunately $100 isn't as much money as it used to be.

Post# 693104 , Reply# 5   7/30/2013 at 06:37 (4,146 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

But it's still 40 years old.

Post# 693109 , Reply# 6   7/30/2013 at 07:34 (4,146 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
GE Americana Dryer

combo52's profile picture

If it is in good condition and runs that is not a bad price, as Doug said $100 is not much money anymore, LOL.


These dryers were workhouses , but small on capacity and HOT running even on low heat, and they are not a good candidate if you have a long vent system.

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