Thread Number: 47774
Hold The Phone! Equator W/D Combo Unit NOS
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Post# 693473   7/31/2013 at 15:53 (4,013 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
High water mark on crate would make one pause with worry but viewing before handing over funds could ease someone's mind.

If one hadn't just taken in the AEG set this would be an interesting addition to the collection. But as am now sorting out that space arrangement would want my head examined to go after this item! *LOL*

CLICK HERE TO GO TO Launderess's LINK on eBay

Post# 693517 , Reply# 1   7/31/2013 at 18:43 (4,013 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

One wonder if the price includes a surcharge for the flood damage and mold.

Post# 693521 , Reply# 2   7/31/2013 at 19:11 (4,013 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
one would consider this is not far from the flood zone area of NewJersey, just a year ago.....

this is beyond too questionable!.....we have way too many people selling stuff from the scrap area of the flood zone, at least they try to clean it up and disguise it, this person doesn't even do that!

Post# 693526 , Reply# 3   7/31/2013 at 19:30 (4,013 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        
Oh I Don't Know

launderess's profile picture
Least anyone with half a mind can tell even though this item is NOS it may have been involved in some sort of flooding. I mean if they took the thing out of the crate, scrubbed the outside up but left the shipping/transit bolts as well as everything else in place could still claim "new". What is more if they added a disclaimer that item was "sold as is" and they aren't the original owners blah, blah, blah someone could be spending $850 for a dead "new" washer.

Obviously this isn't the sort of thing one purchases sight unseen and arranges long distance shipping. Well you could but the you would deserve whatever outcome.

If *I* were that interested would insist on seeing the washer uncrated before surrendering cash. As the box is already damaged there is no huge use in preserving, and it can be put back together enough to for transit purposes.

Water line looks < 1/4 way up the box more or less. Depending how high and how much or if water penetrated the crate and got to the washer there could be substantial damage to minimal I'd say.

Someone ought to simply contact the seller and obtain the backstory on this item.

Post# 693582 , Reply# 4   8/1/2013 at 02:40 (4,012 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

For $850 I am not paying that for flood damaged goods-since its been in the package for how long--has corrosion set in inside the machine?They would be lucky to get scrap value for the thing.

Post# 693584 , Reply# 5   8/1/2013 at 04:42 (4,012 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        
No comparison .......

chestermikeuk's profile picture
to the AEG set, if space was a must then fine, but far more energy efficient for seperates!!

anybody have a pic of what this washer dryer looks like?

Post# 693609 , Reply# 6   8/1/2013 at 10:35 (4,012 days old) by kb0nes (Burnsville, MN)        

kb0nes's profile picture
Perhaps it only sat on a wet floor. The moisture would wick up through the cardboard carton. Maybe it wasn't immersed.

But, this is an assumption.

Two thoughts are:

1. Anyone that would fork out $850 for this is foolish unless they can see inside.

2. Any seller that would attempt to sell it in this manner is attempting to con the buyer.

Of course we all know that NIB adds value, but New in water damaged box does not! I think the seller knows something he doesn't want to convey by opening that box...

Post# 693620 , Reply# 7   8/1/2013 at 11:43 (4,012 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

The bad reviews these get everywhere would make it seem like people would stop buying them. The really sad stories are people who try to use it at the kitchen sink and have the faucet tied up for 4 hours or more while it does its condenser drying. The little blowers clog with lint because they are not flushed with water during the fill like the 29 inch WP-made combos. It's just a sad little machine when used as a combo, but an adequate little washer. I mentioned before that they are usually serviced by off-duty firemen who know what they are doing, from having lots of experience, but who do not have any corporate backing. I guess buying one, but not this one, would sort of guarantee that you would have company on a regular basis. I think I would rather be able to laundry without problems on a regular basis.

Post# 694440 , Reply# 8   8/5/2013 at 16:21 (4,008 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        
Since No One Else Asked

launderess's profile picture
Seller states he is the original owner of unit and that the appliance/contents are still sealed in plastic. Further says "only the box" was wet.

More snaps have been posted showing what unit looks like unboxed. Remains wrapped in plastic/Styrofoam shipping crate.

Just relying information, do with it what you will.


Post# 695267 , Reply# 9   8/9/2013 at 02:44 (4,004 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        

laundromat's profile picture
Wet or not,these combos are problematic. I worked at the main office in Houston years ago. It was more like a sweatshop.Sometimes, I would be sent home because the electricity was turned off. The water too was turned off and more then not,my paychecks would bounce.The original 3600 models made by Philco of Italy were great but,there was a batch sent here that were not converted to 110V and were either DOA, or caught on fire during use. Atul the owner of Equator,sued them and , instead of reimbursing mihe dealers/service companies and customers owning these, He bought a couple MB mini vans,artwork and a multi million dollar house in Houston.They're now made by a company in China and rarely work over a few months without a service call but,nobody wants to fix them because of Atul's bad reputation of not paying his bills.

Post# 695272 , Reply# 10   8/9/2013 at 03:24 (4,004 days old) by redcarpetdrew (Fairfield, CA)        
Is it just me or...

redcarpetdrew's profile picture
Is that 'extra door' actually the front of *the* main door just broken off in the box? So water damaged AND freight damaged as well. Sounds like SUCH a deal... Lol!


Post# 695277 , Reply# 11   8/9/2013 at 03:58 (4,004 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        
Looking At Pictures Closely

launderess's profile picture
There seems to be two doors. One attached to machine and another decorative. You see this on quite a few European front loaders.


Post# 695308 , Reply# 12   8/9/2013 at 08:53 (4,004 days old) by paulc (Edinburgh, Scotland)        
Two doors.....

paulc's profile picture
I think it is one door in two halves. Washer dryers have the glass bowl and an outer see through plastic cover to stop little hands getting burnt as the glass gets very hot during the drying cycle.

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