Thread Number: 478
Early Westinghouse Top-Loaders
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Post# 48878   11/9/2004 at 07:54 (7,253 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        

Does anyone know of a link to pictures or a video of the early Westy T/L? I need something to jog my memory as I don't recall them at all much before about 1968. Were they always equipped with the Franklin tranny and spiral agitator,ribbed and indexing tub? -Steve

Post# 48888 , Reply# 1   11/9/2004 at 09:22 (7,253 days old) by golittlesport (California)        

golittlesport's profile picture
The first year or two of Westy top loaders were made by Easy with an Easy Spiralator in them (aboout 1963).

Post# 48975 , Reply# 2   11/10/2004 at 11:37 (7,252 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)        

peterh770's profile picture
Here's a 1964 ad for Tide that shows an Easy-made Westinghouse toploader...

CLICK HERE TO GO TO PeterH770's LINK on eBay

Post# 48976 , Reply# 3   11/10/2004 at 11:39 (7,252 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)        

peterh770's profile picture
And here is the first Westinghouse made toploader...

CLICK HERE TO GO TO PeterH770's LINK on eBay

Post# 48977 , Reply# 4   11/10/2004 at 12:05 (7,252 days old) by scott55405 ()        

I saw one sort of like the one in Peter's first Westinghouse made ad, at an estate sale once. It said "Laundromat" on it, even though it was a toploader.

Post# 48987 , Reply# 5   11/10/2004 at 15:01 (7,252 days old) by lightedcontrols ()        

Peter! That's the washer that my Grandmother had. It had colored buttons going up the washtub so you could match the buttons to the water level. The toggle switch on the right hand side was for an extra spray rinse! And, buttons on the left side of the control panel, were the "program" buttons that set the wash/spin speeds, and wash/rinse water temperatures. There was a knob beside the timer that you could opt out of the pre-selected wash/rinse temps. Very stylish for it's day! That washer lasted a l o n g time and really was a great machine. Also had the spiral agitator and would throw clothes and water up in the air on smaller loads. Beautiful lighted control panel! Yep, my kind of machine!!! Mark

Post# 48994 , Reply# 6   11/10/2004 at 18:54 (7,251 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        

Thanks guys! I really appreciate all the information and the links to the pictures were really cool. And, I don't remember them at all so I guess I never saw one----and I thought I had seen them all! XXSteve

Post# 49144 , Reply# 7   11/13/2004 at 22:36 (7,248 days old) by david (CA)        

We were the owners of a 62 easy-made westinghouse. Had no idea until years later the machine was made by easy. Ours lasted 13 years until it developed an oil leak from the transmission I believe. The machine was purchased in March of 1962 and lasted until March of 1975. We bought a Whirlpool and it lasted 25 years and was still washing when we sold it.(my mother owned these machines). My wife and I have 1989 Kenmore 70 with matching dryer. I have always wanted to see the matching dryer to the 62 Westinghouse. Thought I saw one that resembled the small drop down door Kenmores of the time. Thats all I have ever seen of these. I remember the old washer had a solid tub with holes in the very top rim area and could spin really fast. Just had a spray rinse, no overflow. And a seafoam green plastic lint catcher that was totally useless. It trapped some but as the machine got older, it became deformed and wouldn't stay on the agitator. When the machine went into spin, it banged and beat against the lid. Had a problem with the water inlet into the tub deformed (again plastic) and sprayed water across the top of the tub and if you raised the lid during this time it splashed out onto the floor. We never did get that fixed and why I don't know. That machine was ok for its time. Usually did a good job with the clothes

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