Thread Number: 47803
WTB Electrolux Hoses.
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Post# 693770   8/2/2013 at 09:36 (4,011 days old) by Volvoguy87 (Cincinnati, OH)        

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I am looking for advice on how to obtain some hoses for some Electrolux vacuums I have. I want new hoses, not the old style woven ones since these machines are in daily driver status. One is a Model G, one is a 50th Anniversary 1205, and lastly my old faithful Model XXX. The Model G is old enough to be turquoise, so I imagine it would have the hose with the external pigtail. I assume the 50th Anniversary would use the one with the internal electric cord, and the Model XXX would be a non-electric hose.

I don't know how to tell the difference between OEM and generic hoses online, and the prices seem to be all over the map. I've used both cheap generic and OEM hoses before and found the OEMs to be superior.

How should I go about obtaining these, and what do you think I should expect to pay?
Many thanks,

Post# 693781 , Reply# 1   8/2/2013 at 15:08 (4,011 days old) by pulltostart (Mobile, AL)        

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You might go to the Aerus website and find the closest service center and give them a call.  At least you would know what a genuine Aerus hose would cost you.  Then compare what you find on Ebay.


I was disappointed to learn this week that the service center that I used previously has closed and there is now only one in the metro Atlanta area, and it is in Kennesaw (not exactly centrally-located).  Perhaps there is one relatively close to you.


Good luck!



Post# 693786 , Reply# 2   8/2/2013 at 15:51 (4,011 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        

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A genuine Aerus hose for a 1205 is basically a $100 proposition.

You can tell genuine from aftermarket most readily by the grip end of the hose (the part you hold while vacuuming).

A genuine hose will have a grip capable of swiveling, a small thumbwheel for the suction control, and NO on/off switch built into it. It will never have a "gas pump"-style handle.

Aftermarket hoses sometimes swivel, but they usually have a sliding control for suction, and they often have an on/off switch that can control the power nozzle. "Gas pump" handles are available for those who like them.

Quality on aftermarket hoses is all over the map. There are some I consider to be of a quality as high as Aerus's, and there are some cheap pieces of crap out there. Price does not seem to be much of a clue; aftermarket hoses are usually $50 or a bit higher no matter the quality.

The usual collectors' reason to get a genuine Aerus hose is so that you have replaced the hose with the latest OEM part. If you find a high-quality aftermarket hose, it's going to be pretty much as good as the real thing, for as long as it lasts.

The ONE practical reason for buying a genuine hose over aftermarket is that the grip end on a genuine hose is replaceable; if you break the suction control or the plug receptacle, you just put a new grip on. An aftermarket hose usually doesn't have parts available. Whether that option is worth an additional $50 is your own judgment, of course.

Post# 693788 , Reply# 3   8/2/2013 at 15:59 (4,011 days old) by danemodsandy (The Bramford, Apt. 7-E)        

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You can usually find both the 1205-style electrified hose (used on all models from the 1205 to the Grand Marquis, and on some lower-end models through the present) and the pigtail hose on eBay, just search on "genuine electrolux hose" and "genuine aerus hose."

I do not know of a current genuine source for non-electrified hoses; I seem to recall a conversation with Charlie Lester where he said they just didn't make them any more. For those, I guess you have to go aftermarket.

Post# 696349 , Reply# 4   8/14/2013 at 01:05 (3,999 days old) by wascomat_kid ()        

Genuine non-electrified hoses are available at Lux service centers &; the part # is 45794

Post# 696352 , Reply# 5   8/14/2013 at 01:28 (3,999 days old) by alr2903 (TN)        

I have purchased from fivestarvacs on e b ay.  many times over the years and return for bags belts.  The seller is in Maine.  I have never been disappointed.  alr

Post# 696560 , Reply# 6   8/14/2013 at 21:44 (3,999 days old) by Volvoguy87 (Cincinnati, OH)        

volvoguy87's profile picture
I am still on the hunt for hoses.

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