Thread Number: 47806
SQ "Commercial" W&D
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Post# 693805   8/2/2013 at 17:25 (4,211 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

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Post# 693806 , Reply# 1   8/2/2013 at 17:26 (4,211 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

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Post# 693812 , Reply# 2   8/2/2013 at 17:41 (4,211 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
well, they are new and a two speed...and a little dented......not a bad price...I wonder if their stainless or porcelain tubs...looks like the used ones I got from the military, although mine were a single speed, and I only paid 25.00

Post# 693834 , Reply# 3   8/2/2013 at 18:52 (4,211 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
SQ TL Washer and Electric Dryer

combo52's profile picture

These are regular home-commercial machines [ they are the same ] these are at least 5 years old but if you can get the washer for any less than $500 and the dryer for up to $350 they are a good buy.


This is a two speed washer.

Post# 693908 , Reply# 4   8/3/2013 at 07:59 (4,210 days old) by oldskool (Kansas City, MO)        
Questions -

If these are at least 5 years old, do they preceed the reduced fill rinse and/or the cooler version of warm - I think I've seen mentioned in other threads? Being they are in KC, worth considering at the right price if able to avoid the reduced fill rinse.

Post# 693912 , Reply# 5   8/3/2013 at 08:37 (4,210 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

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reduced WARM....not controlled by computer, more along the lines of design of the fill valve, the HOT side is a smaller opening than the COLD....a very simple fix with a drill to make them equal....some guys just fill it half way with HOT first, and then turn to WARM for the rest.....

don't let that fill flume fool you....its designed to allow water to enter the tub, and some to go behind the tub.....I altered it by sealing off the back portion so all the water fell on the clothes, especially during the spin spray...but thats just my preference!

my experience with the ones I got, the fill was TOO much, and had to reduce it down about 2 inches.....either way, again, a simple adjustment.....

add a clothes pin to the lid switch, and you have the ultimate machine for a very small fraction of the price....

kicking myself for selling all the ones I had...but I will get more!

Post# 693913 , Reply# 6   8/3/2013 at 08:38 (4,210 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        
Reduced Fill

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Only certain models of the coinop machines have the reduced fill rinse as an option. Not sure what you are questioning with the reduced temperature warm. There is no automatic temperature control in these machines.


Post# 693915 , Reply# 7   8/3/2013 at 08:44 (4,210 days old) by oldskool (Kansas City, MO)        

@ Laundress for finding and posting
@ Malcolm, Yogi, & John for all information!

After searching model # online, it appears this unit does not have the SS tub. Any known issues with nonSS tubs? Seems like it would be fine.


Post# 693920 , Reply# 8   8/3/2013 at 09:24 (4,210 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

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yeah, mine were porcelain too......

not big issue or deal about them.....typical dark speckle.....would have been nice to see a white one.....and prefer the stainless, but at this price, who can complain.....

a stainless one can be swapped out should you come across a donor machine....I think its just 6 bolts....really easy

willing to bet these don't have the softerner dispenser, but can be added in an instant.....

and most likely has the solid vane agitator....definately more water currents

we have a thread about these here somewhere....depending on model number and place you call for parts, prices vary in the extreme

Post# 694019 , Reply# 9   8/3/2013 at 16:28 (4,210 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
You're welcome! T'wernt' nuttin! *LOL*

However if you are going after these items it seems you'll be running with the big dogs, so you're going to need some skills to pull it off! *LOL*

Post# 694057 , Reply# 10   8/3/2013 at 20:27 (4,209 days old) by oldskool (Kansas City, MO)        
The Big Dogs

@ Launderess - that's funny! Not gonna run too far with them, I don't want it that bad, but if things work out - okay. Thanks again. Will keep you posted.

Post# 694680 , Reply# 11   8/6/2013 at 14:19 (4,207 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

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Washer went for a bit over $330 and change! Someone got themselves a bargain.

Post# 694700 , Reply# 12   8/6/2013 at 15:27 (4,207 days old) by oldskool (Kansas City, MO)        
Got It!

Will pick it up locally and if I can get my camera to work, will post some pics.


Thanks Launderess for your expert advice on winning a bid!



Post# 694701 , Reply# 13   8/6/2013 at 15:29 (4,207 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        
Thanks Launderess for your expert advice on winning a bid!

launderess's profile picture
Don't spread that around!


Post# 697635 , Reply# 14   8/19/2013 at 22:47 (4,193 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

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Tap, tap, tap.......

We're waiting......

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