Thread Number: 47816
Vintage GE Portable/Compact Set
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Post# 694025   8/3/2013 at 18:01 (4,233 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

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Washer has bottom mounted impeller action.


Post# 694126 , Reply# 1   8/4/2013 at 09:30 (4,232 days old) by bwoods ()        

I had bought that washer when I had my first apartment. It was approximately 1979 when I bought it. Did not have the matching dryer, though.

It had no agitator, but (as Laundress says) a spin plate type impeller in the bottom, somewhat like the one in a Hoover portable washer. It held a surprising large amount for a portable machined but...

Mine washed, drained and then went to deep rinse with no spin in-between. So needless to say it was a poor rinser, at least by my standards. It did have a final spin. I can't recall through if there were spray rinses during this spin, it seems that there were. Even so, I do remember having to repeatedly run clothes through multiple cycles to get the suds out, and by this time they were tangled up pretty well.

Still I thought it was a cool little machine, attractive looking, and it had a neat sound to it. As I recall, GE's manufacturing label indicated it was made in Japan.

It would be a great little machine to have in one's garage to wash and spin out grease rags, chamoises, etc. If any one you live in the vicinity, I would grab it!

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