Thread Number: 47821
Flair RBG-345K for sale
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Post# 694095   8/4/2013 at 00:47 (4,009 days old) by ngv017 ()        

looking to sell my Frigidaire double wall oven. very clean oven with all parts and controls in working condition. I also have a couple box's of extra parts to go with it. If interested please let me know. located in orange county, ca.

Post# 699381 , Reply# 1   8/27/2013 at 23:14 (3,985 days old) by DrSwanky ()        
I'm interested

How much do you want for it? What are the exterior measurements as well as the interiors?


Post# 819878 , Reply# 2   4/18/2015 at 12:30 (3,387 days old) by tommy (USA)        
Frigidaire Flair Oven Model # RGB- 345K

I am interested in your Flair oven, also interested in parts for same. Please let me know if it and the parts are still available.
Thank you in advance,

Post# 819915 , Reply# 3   4/18/2015 at 17:28 (3,387 days old) by scoots (Chattanooga TN)        
Hi Tommy

scoots's profile picture
And welcome to

I wanted to let you know the oven you were asking for probably isn't available any more, the thread is about 2 years old. There's a "day counter" in red at the top of each page to show how old a particular posting is.

Good luck with your search for the Fabulous Flair.

Post# 822378 , Reply# 4   5/7/2015 at 09:02 (3,368 days old) by tommy (USA)        
47821 thread #

Interested in Flair Oven RGB-345 K. I know it's an old link, however if still available am interested. Please reply.

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