Thread Number: 47876
Speed Queen HE front loader washing machines
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Post# 694850   8/7/2013 at 09:33 (4,206 days old) by xpanam (Palm Springs California )        

xpanam's profile picture
10 available for $350.00 each! Please no pushing or shoving!

CLICK HERE TO GO TO xpanam's LINK on Hartford Craigslist

Post# 695017 , Reply# 1   8/7/2013 at 21:52 (4,205 days old) by xpanam (Palm Springs California )        
Price drop!

xpanam's profile picture

Post# 695024 , Reply# 2   8/7/2013 at 22:27 (4,205 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        
Am So Tempted...

launderess's profile picture
But am already pushed laundry appliance space wise. The Miele would have to go and that isn't happening unless Big Bertha becomes inflicted with a mortal illness.

Agree however this could be a good deal. However shipping such heavy washers isn't going to be cheap nor easy. Also I'd want the shipping struts/braces back into place if moving a long distance.

Post# 695078 , Reply# 3   8/8/2013 at 06:41 (4,205 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Front Control SQ FL Washer

combo52's profile picture

This is a current SQ design and at around $275 it is not only great buy it is a steal, this machine currently lists for around $1,800. If you look at the serial# you can tell for sure what the age is, but it is under 5 years old.

Post# 695116 , Reply# 4   8/8/2013 at 11:11 (4,205 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

The wonderful news is that there is only one brace and it is accessible from the front.

Post# 695234 , Reply# 5   8/8/2013 at 21:09 (4,204 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Front Control SQ FL Washers

combo52's profile picture

Has anyone bought one of these yet, I would be at the front of the line except for the fact we just bought 24 of the same SQ FL washers with rear controls, and still have about 10 to sell.

Post# 695351 , Reply# 6   8/9/2013 at 12:28 (4,204 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

If anybody out there wants a well-made no-bullshit front loading machine, this is the one to get. They are made for commercial service. The rinsing is a little inadequate, but if you let it go through a cycle and then reset it for a rinse and spin, it does a great job. You can even get a warm rinse! You won't find a better FL at a better price. Think about one (or more) of these. You won't be sorry. I don't hand out praise freely so believe what I write.

Post# 695375 , Reply# 7   8/9/2013 at 15:42 (4,204 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        
Only Complaint One Has Heard

launderess's profile picture
Regarding these SQ units is about vibration. Like the commercial washers they are under the bonnet these units really want (some say require) firm and solid flooring underneath to be stable.

If washers do not have the temp boost option (heater) you really are going to need a close source of very hot water to get a decent high temperature wash.

Post# 695385 , Reply# 8   8/9/2013 at 16:41 (4,204 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

Launderess is very right, but most commercial machines are designed for installation on concrete floors. I cannot honestly say how these machines perform on a wooden floor, but I would imagine that, once again, it depends on the joists under the floor and a corner location is far better for coping with vibration than out in the middle of a wall. I do not know that it is any worse than any other large drum front loader, but maybe some manufacturers have developed more sophisticated software to better handle vibration. A few times mine has actually aborted one of the intermediate spins because the load was too unbalanced. It stopped and then started tumbling to try to redistribute the load. A couple of times it went into the distribution when I was near it and I saw that the load was too unbalanced to ever get it to go into the 1000rpm spin so I turned the program selector to OFF, let it stop and then started the final spin once again, BUT unlike the Duet, which I will admit was much older technology and a much more fragile machine, the SQ will give it a GO and try to do the best possible job unless it just can't in which case, it stops to rebalance. I mainly use mine for those large bath sheets and for throw rugs, both of which can be hard to balance. I have special ways of loading the bath sheets to minimize tangling and balling up which adversely affect the balancing so I rarely have an unbalanced situation.

When the original no-suspension bolt down Bendix washers were installed on wooden floors, holes were drilled through the floor joists and the long mounting bolts that went through the machine base and through the floor joists were then anchored to a steel plate under the joists. If anyone has a vibration problem with a wooden floor, bolting reinforcements under the joists to tie them together or even putting braces between the joists could help. A friend put one of those adjustable support columns under the joists where his Kenmore combo sat to strady the floor.

I still don't think you will find any front loader at this price, nor anything as rugged for at least 5 or 6 times the price which is what it would take to buy a new Speed Queen. Once you try a front loader, you will hardly ever want to fill a top loader with 16 or more gallons of hot water and use double the laundry product when you can wash almost everything just as well in a front loader. Canvas drop cloths still wash better in a top loader because a 12 X 12 foot drop cloth balls up in a front loader.

As for the hot water situation, if nothing else, you can start the machine on a hot fill, which in an empty machine only takes 3 gallons of water, let it tumble a few minutes to heat up the drum, then drain it, quickly load it and restart it.

Post# 695435 , Reply# 9   8/9/2013 at 21:50 (4,203 days old) by xpanam (Palm Springs California )        
No coin box

xpanam's profile picture
Hey guys! Was that optional? I guess these were not used in a laundry mat. Where would these have been used? I would really like to have one of these but are to faraway.

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