Thread Number: 47892
1970's Vintage Chrysler Air Conditioner - $750
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Post# 694968   8/7/2013 at 17:59 (4,006 days old) by ovrphil (N.Atlanta / Georgia )        

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Post# 695004 , Reply# 1   8/7/2013 at 20:08 (4,006 days old) by toploader55 (Massachusetts Sand Bar, Cape Cod)        
Holy Crap !!!

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That's a few years newer than the one I have. Missing a few directional fins, but That is one of the last true Chrysler Airtemps.\

Here's mine, and One pic for the archives.

Post# 695005 , Reply# 2   8/7/2013 at 20:12 (4,006 days old) by toploader55 (Massachusetts Sand Bar, Cape Cod)        

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I bought one of this series for my Dad in 1973., I replaced a Fedders Weather Wheel that was rated at One Ton. It worked great but wanted my Dad to have a more "Modern One".

That is truly one of the last "Classic Airtemps made by Chrysler".

Oh Yeah, I'd say even $75.00 was too much for a unit this old.

That uses R-22.

Post# 695417 , Reply# 3   8/9/2013 at 20:03 (4,004 days old) by ovrphil (N.Atlanta / Georgia )        

ovrphil's profile picture
toploader: Series? Was this TOL, MOL or ? - if you rememember .I do love the older A/C's but they're something a little difficult thinking about collecting A/C units. Imagine a basement full of A/Cs running. Bring your long underwear and ear muffs ?

Out of the usual curiosity, I found some info on AirTemp, so thanks for commenting, toploader!


Post# 695444 , Reply# 4   8/9/2013 at 22:27 (4,004 days old) by whirlaway (Hampton Virginia)        
Chrysler Airtemp

Our telephone building was built in 1941 with Chrysler Airtemps all over the building,and they still remain there eventhough its half deserted now to keep the switches and operators cool.I worked in the central office and you almost needed to wear a sweater on the hottest days.I remember an old dive we used to eat at had a big old stand up unit in the back that kept that place frigid on any hot sultry day,we would go there to eat just to be cool in the evenings and they had great food.It finally gave out when the fan unit dropped to the bottom of the case after almost 60 years of use. Its replacement was a shadow of the old one.I had a Airtemp in my other house and to this day I wished I had taken it with me.But Im using a 50 year old coldspot thats works as good,it keeps my downstairs at a nice 70 degrees.My brother got a new split unit which works well but Im glad he gave me this one!

Post# 695495 , Reply# 5   8/10/2013 at 03:27 (4,003 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

Remember a Chrysler Airtemp Chiller system in the building I used to work at in Wash DC-the unit was tagged"abandoned in place"two radial compressor chillers turned by 30 hp GE motors.The heat exchangers were there and the circulation pumps were there-the units were removed a few years later.You could turn them by hand and feel compression.Their breakers were tagged and locked off-years ago by the condition of the locks.Was kind neat to see would have been "cooler" to see them working!

Post# 695517 , Reply# 6   8/10/2013 at 06:11 (4,003 days old) by toploader55 (Massachusetts Sand Bar, Cape Cod)        
Series :

toploader55's profile picture
Chrysler's TOL was the Imperial Line.

Then followed by Custom. In the 60s there was the Tempette series that was a smaller less expensive bedroom A/C.

Post# 695518 , Reply# 7   8/10/2013 at 06:12 (4,003 days old) by toploader55 (Massachusetts Sand Bar, Cape Cod)        

toploader55's profile picture
This brochure is from 1971. They replaced the Tempette series with Sleeper series.

Post# 695520 , Reply# 8   8/10/2013 at 06:13 (4,003 days old) by toploader55 (Massachusetts Sand Bar, Cape Cod)        

toploader55's profile picture
Some other applications :

Post# 695529 , Reply# 9   8/10/2013 at 07:29 (4,003 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Cool Airtemp Window A/Cs

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These were indeed very good units, we have collected several older window A/Cs that live at the warehouse, the only Airtemp I have is one of the vertical casement style units that mounts inside the room and the window can be closed behind it. These were a very clever design and kept the outside of homes from looking tacky from having A/C units hanging all over the place.


My all time favorite window A/Cs are the Whirlpool built Sears-Coldspots that allowed you to set the exact humidity and room temperature independently, I have three of these units in our collection. They accomplished this by having a 2nd condenser behind the evaporator so the room air could be cooled and dehumidified and then reheated so the A/C could dehumidify without cooling, they used a reversing valve similar to what a Heat-pump uses and added a real humidastat to control the RV.

Post# 695565 , Reply# 10   8/10/2013 at 10:50 (4,003 days old) by ovrphil (N.Atlanta / Georgia )        

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So these Airtemps would still be efficient by today's standards, minus the refrigerant type and amount of electricity used? Some members claim that their older air conditioners are not as expensive to run - but with so many variables, like sun exposure, shading, air leakage, etc. ..? I would think these are louder than today's contemporary units - other than the noise, our families window unit(Whirlpool) was efficient but loud for a small house.

Everyone- thanks for the brochures and interesting comments.

Post# 695582 , Reply# 11   8/10/2013 at 12:23 (4,003 days old) by PhilR (Quebec Canada)        

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The "Freeway" series is a model that was made by Heat Controller, the company that makes Comfort-Aire (they had the same style that was also branded Comfort-Aire). They also made some for other brands including GM Canada. The "Q" models on the picture are the same as the Chrysler Airtemp "Freeway".


I'd like to find any of these models as I haven't found a single Canadian Frigidaire a/c since I've been searching for them.  Here's the 1968 "N" series. 





Post# 695587 , Reply# 12   8/10/2013 at 13:11 (4,003 days old) by ovrphil (N.Atlanta / Georgia )        

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PhilR - those are really nice looking units - they almost remind me of a stereo unit, you know? I visited Canada alot when I lived in the Detroit area - never carted an A/C before customs. :-) Good luck, hope you find those - thanks for posting...really great looking mc units.

Post# 695622 , Reply# 13   8/10/2013 at 15:38 (4,003 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        
Older ac units..

My experience with the older units is that they are MUCH QUIETER than most of the new, especially the mid 60s Westinghouses, they used a different set up, the cabinet hung down outside the window so the compressor was actually lower than the window, thus most of the noise was kept outside, we had a Fedders round wheel at home in my bedroom that was about as quiet as a fan running, it had two settings, fan and cool, no thermostat, it was a 52 model, and would get so cold you couldnt stand it!

Post# 695630 , Reply# 14   8/10/2013 at 16:31 (4,003 days old) by CircleW (NE Cincinnati OH area)        

The house my Aunt Doris lived in from "63 until '91 had Chrysler AirTemp central heating and air conditioning. That thing would keep the house ice cold even on the hottest Mississippi summer days. It was installed when the house was built in '62, and was still operating well when they moved.

Post# 695684 , Reply# 15   8/10/2013 at 17:56 (4,003 days old) by retromania (Anderson, South Carolina)        

In its day a very good product.

Post# 695715 , Reply# 16   8/10/2013 at 19:40 (4,003 days old) by jmm63 (Denville, NJ)        
Memory Lane

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In 1977 my family bought the house that they are still in. It's in the Detroit suburbs so of course it came with 2 Chrysler window units. The main floor was cooled by one just like the Craigslist add. It was in my sisters bedroom and she used to FREEZE to death at night. My brother and I shared the upstairs bedroom and it had one just like Eddie's. Funny how they were both missing the fins just like the one in the add. They stayed in the window all year long, not such a great idea for a harsh Michigan winter. Sometime in the mid 80's we finally got rid of them (the downstairs one quit working I believe) and got smaller new units. My brother and I ROASTED and the house just never was cool. Finally, after I moved out to my own place, my mom put in a new furnace and central air.

Post# 695718 , Reply# 17   8/10/2013 at 19:43 (4,003 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Heat Controler A/Cs

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Phil my parents house had the model P300N installed through the living room wall when they bought their house in Burnsville Mn. It was 30,000 BTUs of noise, they seldom ever used it and Finley we pulled it out and had a Space-Pac central system installed. The HC unit may have been OK in a warehouse but it was too noisy and inefficient for a house, and WAY to large in cooling capacity.

Post# 695723 , Reply# 18   8/10/2013 at 20:17 (4,003 days old) by PhilR (Quebec Canada)        

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What's the ratio between BTU/Watts that is now considered efficient? My 12600 BTU a/c from 1974 is more efficient than my smaller ones but still below 10 BTU per watt... 


1974 Frigidaire air conditioner



But at 9.6 btu/watt, the next year's equivalent model was the most efficient in the 1975 Frigidaire lineup. 

Post# 695728 , Reply# 19   8/10/2013 at 20:35 (4,003 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Energy Efficiency Ratio or EER

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9.6 is still considered very good, an A/C with an EER of 10 costs 1/2 as much to run as a unit that has an EER of 5 and the more efficient unit will generally last MUCH longer because the compressor does not run at as high a pressure and cooler to boot.

Post# 695870 , Reply# 20   8/11/2013 at 15:52 (4,002 days old) by PhilR (Quebec Canada)        

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Thanks for the info John! Did you get the PM I sent you?

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