Thread Number: 47907
Magnavox Far Eastern Contemporary stereo console
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Post# 695068   8/8/2013 at 04:50 (4,005 days old) by 112561 (River Park, in Port St. Lucie, Florida)        

112561's profile picture
On Craigslist. They raised the price of the gutted Magnavox tv cabinet from $75. Somewhat rare even if overpriced.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO 112561's LINK on Fortmyers Craigslist

Post# 695090 , Reply# 1   8/8/2013 at 07:42 (4,005 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
beyond rare with that reel to reel player........pricey, but worth it!...

Post# 695161 , Reply# 2   8/8/2013 at 15:27 (4,005 days old) by CircleW (NE Cincinnati OH area)        

Would look right at home in Carolyn Appleby's apartment, with her "Chinese Modern" furniture.

Post# 695215 , Reply# 3   8/8/2013 at 19:03 (4,005 days old) by lovestowash (St. Petersburg, FL)        
I love it...

lovestowash's profile picture
"It's like a bad dream you have after eating too much Chinese food"...


Post# 695251 , Reply# 4   8/8/2013 at 23:48 (4,004 days old) by redcarpetdrew (Fairfield, CA)        

redcarpetdrew's profile picture
One could put a nice flat screen in that cabinet, yes?


Post# 695323 , Reply# 5   8/9/2013 at 10:17 (4,004 days old) by 112561 (River Park, in Port St. Lucie, Florida)        

112561's profile picture
The recorder looks nice, and the model name is Mark IV. I can't make out the manufacturers name though. The stereo is about a 30 watt model, with the five knob control layout. Magnavox had at least two long models in that range each year. The other was usually Danish Modern. I just noticed the console and tape are $299, with the gutted tv an additional $99. I have to read more carefully. I want one black lacquer set here before I have to stop.

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