Thread Number: 47961
Turquoise Maytag washer
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Post# 695689   8/10/2013 at 18:14 (4,003 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

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Post# 695707 , Reply# 1   8/10/2013 at 19:05 (4,003 days old) by d-jones (Western Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh Area))        

d-jones's profile picture

Still too high, but almost looks reasonable when compared to that 2500 dollar set listed by another seller.

Post# 695713 , Reply# 2   8/10/2013 at 19:30 (4,003 days old) by Kenmore71 (Minneapolis, MN)        

kenmore71's profile picture

I know where you can buy that cabinet and console with a slightly, ahem, newer interior....

I bet it's also cheaper...

Post# 697145 , Reply# 3   8/17/2013 at 17:29 (3,996 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture
Post# 697150 , Reply# 4   8/17/2013 at 17:58 (3,996 days old) by d-jones (Western Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh Area))        

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 You just don't understand, if nobody shows any interest in your auction it must be under priced, so the obvious solution is to keep raising the price until someone finally buys it. Doesn't everyone know that?

Post# 697151 , Reply# 5   8/17/2013 at 17:59 (3,996 days old) by boboh1 (California)        

He could not sell it for $499 so he relists it for $600! Well, at least he did put a make offer on it. Maybe he will take lower.

Post# 697236 , Reply# 6   8/18/2013 at 05:23 (3,995 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture

Yeah, I wasn't thinking! How silly of me!


If it doesn't sell for $499.00, then raise it to $600.00 What a brilliant strategy!Foot in mouth

Post# 697313 , Reply# 7   8/18/2013 at 16:59 (3,995 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

It's missing the lid ball hinges.

Post# 697519 , Reply# 8   8/19/2013 at 13:57 (3,994 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        
As my Aunt used to say..

Someone has Visions of Grandeur!!

Post# 697702 , Reply# 9   8/20/2013 at 12:59 (3,993 days old) by boboh1 (California)        
Price Change

Now he has it at $450 OBO. What is a reasonable price for this? Is it difficult to replace lid ball hinges?

Post# 697753 , Reply# 10   8/20/2013 at 17:17 (3,993 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture

It takes about 5 seconds to put the ball hinges back in place. I'd spend about $300.00 or so if I were interested.

Post# 697759 , Reply# 11   8/20/2013 at 17:56 (3,993 days old) by alr2903 (TN)        

Does this one light up when the timer is in any "on" area? I almost expected to see the little red and black buttons for the light. What year is this one? alr

Post# 697774 , Reply# 12   8/20/2013 at 19:13 (3,993 days old) by Kenmore71 (Minneapolis, MN)        

kenmore71's profile picture

It's an A702.  1964 OR 1965.  The fluorescent light would be on whenever the timer is in an active portion of the cycle.  This and the A0902 were the first models to contain a pre-heat starter for the fluorescent backlight.

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