Thread Number: 47973
Filter-Flo pair
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Post# 695804   8/11/2013 at 09:42 (4,179 days old) by pulltostart (A Red State)        

If I thought I could get decent money for my SQ pair, I think I might just go after this pair.  Has to be some of the last Filter-flos built.  Includes all washer accessories, includes the 'Spotscrubber' cycle.  Almond isn't my favorite color, but there are worse things in life.



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Post# 695843 , Reply# 1   8/11/2013 at 12:55 (4,179 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture

I'd get them anyway and then take what you are able to get for the SQ pair.

Post# 695849 , Reply# 2   8/11/2013 at 13:09 (4,179 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        
Damn Tranny!

mrb627's profile picture
When did they switch to the plastic casing for the transmission? How can you tell if this model is included?


Post# 695851 , Reply# 3   8/11/2013 at 13:20 (4,179 days old) by pulltostart (A Red State)        

The seller says they were removed from a home in NC that appears to have been built about 1991.  The dryer is the new (current) cabinet, not the old one with the recess in front, so this was late in production.  I think the next year would have been when they did away with the filter pan entirely and only offered the rim flo set up.



Post# 695853 , Reply# 4   8/11/2013 at 13:34 (4,179 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture

That's a nice set, never seen them in Almond. The later FF I've seen all seem to leak trans oil, be sure these are dry.

Post# 695857 , Reply# 5   8/11/2013 at 13:54 (4,179 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
well Malcolm, unfortunately these would be the ones with the plastic leak prone trannies.....

two things to know if there already is an issue.....look underneath to see signs of oil that was splattered around...or better yet, check out the back fiber board panel, if there is an oil stain at the bottom, the seal is leaking....

but not that it can't be repaired or replaced.....Ithink you can find trannies on ebay for around 75.00....

if there is an oil leak, this is a good bargaining tool for a lowered price!

leak prone Yes, but not all of them did this....yo may find agood one out of the batch....

Post# 695989 , Reply# 6   8/12/2013 at 08:48 (4,178 days old) by mtn1584 (USA)        
Is it me or.................................

is the Mini-Basket and Filter-Flo pan blue?
I did not know that GE went to a plastic????? sealed transmission, this was the start of the "cheapening" process I guess. Nonetheless, this is a nice pair, not crazy about the new fangled dryer, or the mono chromatic look, BUT this is def. the last of the filter-flo models, I remember when Montgoomery Ward had them on display!

Post# 696002 , Reply# 7   8/12/2013 at 10:55 (4,178 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Last Real GE FFs

combo52's profile picture

GE changed to a plastic housing on its transmissions back in the 70s and I never saw any MORE [ all GE FFs leak eventually, LOL ] oil leaks on the plastic housing transmissions, these units were not sealed and they still always had metal bottoms where the lower seal and bearings are installed.


We restored this exact washer in white to save at the museum and it is a cool machine, but I certainly would not give up a newer SQ for this machine if you value getting your laundry done for the next few years or more without various repairs having to be performed.


The matching GE dryer has little to recommend it, these dryers do not hold up well and you can even see in the picture the scorched rear of the drum, I am not a fan of any dryer that puts the heater directly behind the drum. Both GE and Frigidaire have FINALLY brought out dryers where heaters have been relocated a safer distance from your clothing.

Post# 696063 , Reply# 8   8/12/2013 at 15:08 (4,178 days old) by pulltostart (A Red State)        

I have decided to pass - so if anyone else has an interest in these, go for it!



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